Good news and bad news

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The next morning, Samantha was shaken awake at the crack of dawn by her father.

"What?" the blond mumbled sleepily as she stuffed her face back in her pillow.

"Time to get up!" Luke exclaimed as he pulled the warm blankets off of the girl, making her groan.



"Why are you getting me up at 6:45 in the morning? School doesn't start until Monday," Samantha rubbed her eyes as she sat up and pulled her knees to her chest.

"Because until school starts you are going to help me in the diner," Luke explained before adding, "and maybe even after if you can prove yourself."

"And why would I need to prove myself?"

"Because if you do well, I'll pay you."

"How much?" Samantha questioned, now intrigued.

"A dollar."

"Lucas, you can't be serious," Samantha stated, appalled.

"What?" Luke furrowed his eyebrows. "That's what my dad paid me."

"It's the 21st century, Lucas!" Samantha threw her hands up. "We aren't living in the medieval times anymore."

"The ice you're on, thin."

"You do realize my Papa is an insurance man," Samantha ignored him, continuing to reason with the diner owner. "I'm not as gullible as every other 12-year-old."

"Fine," Luke huffed. "A dollar and 50 cents."

"Ten dollars."

"2 dollars."

"Nine fifty."

"Two seventy-five."




"Four fifty."


"Five dollars an hour and you get to keep tips. That is my final offer," Luke crossed his arms, putting his foot down.

"Deal," Samantha hummed as she shook his hand.


"Alright," Luke clapped his hands together as he began training Samantha to work in the diner downstairs. "This is a sink."

"I know what a sink is, Lucas."

"Yes, but do you know how to use it?"

"How dirty do you think I am?"

"Okay," Luke huffed as he guided her over to the stove, "moving on."

"You turn this knob to make the heat increase and this one to decrease," Luke said as he gestured to two knobs on the oven. "And make sure you don't put your hand on the burners. Or you'll get this," Luke held up his right hand which had a large burn mark on his palm.

"Noted. How did you get that?" Samantha asked as she followed him over to the cabinets to help get plates and cups out.

"My sister dared me to touch one of the burners," Luke rolled his eyes.

"You have a sister?" Samantha asked, now intrigued.

"Yeah, Liz. She's your aunt. You also have a cousin named Jess but they live in New York."

"Are they nice?"

"I haven't seen either of them for a long time but I'm sure Lizzy would love you," Luke said as he glanced at her. "She's always wanted a niece."

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