Chapter 2: Best Fronds

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Open on a thrift store on Earth as a car passes by. Cut to inside.

He picks up shirt

Old Man: Ah, this is a good shirt.

Anne: All right, Anne. You can do this.

Saleswoman: [snoring]

They takes a music box with three colored gems, puts it in her bag, and one of her friends gives a thumbs up as they leaves.

Muzak playing on speakers

At night it goes into the moon, and goes down to Anne and Kuai Liang and her friends. Suddenly, it goes into the first 2 seconds of the intro. Anne and Sub-Zero wakes up on the same room from the ending of the previous segment

They screams and gasps

Anne: Guys, guys, guys. I just had the craziest dream. where me and Kuai aka Sub-Zero were trapped in a world of frog pe-- Oh.

He croaks

Hop Pop: Ribbit.

They hugs her legs

Anne: Right.

Sprig: Hey guys, Sleep good?

Hop Pop: Careful boy, they could be hungry.

Polly: For your guts!

Sub-Zero: Dude, relax. We are not gonna eat something that clearly doesn't bathe.

Flies buzzing

Hop Pop: Fair point.

Sprig: See? Told you they were harmless.

Hop Pop: Hmph. For now.

Polly: Just give me an excuse to use old Doris here.

Anne: Ah Sub-Zero, I think the little one wants to kill us.

Sub-Zero: Yup.

Sprig: So, you must be so excited to be trapped in another world. Very jealous. Oh!

She chuckles

Anne: It's not all that. I miss my home and my stuff and especially... my friends.

Anne: Without them, I just feel kind of lost. You know?

Sprig: What about you, Sub-Zero, how come you aren't in Anne photo?

Sub-Zero: Well, We used to be just a friends, but Anne and I, We kinda drifted and ripped apart.

Sub-Zero sighs

Sprig: Well, then, you guys look like you need friends, so how's about I be your friends in the meantime?

Sub-Zero: You?

Sprig: Me!

Anne: You.

Sprig: Come on. It'll be fun! What did you do together?

Anne: Everything. Marathon dumb TV shows, drink boba till we get vomited, And hung out at the beach.

Sprig: Oh, we've got a lake. Would going there with me make you feel less homesick?

Sub-Zero: I mean we did go to the beach a lot when we were friends, maybe going to the lake will possibly help us repairing and beginning our friendship?

Anne: Hmm.

She looks at her photo and then Sprig

Sprig: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Anne and Sub-Zero looks at the photo again and then Sprig again

Sprig: Is gon' be great.

She giggling

Sub-Zero and the Amphibia Season 1Where stories live. Discover now