Chapter 37: Children of the Spore

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He bird chirping

He blowing

He humming

He sighs

Hop Pop: Well, after five years of work on this gal, I might actually finish.

He crash

Hop Pop: My baby! Whew! That was close.

Anne: Ooh, sorry about that, HP.

Sub-Zero: We're trying to teach Polly how to play kickball.

Sprig: Which is challenging for obvious reasons.

Hop Pop: Dang it, kids! What have I told you about roughhousing near the windows? Now, come inside and play a quiet game. Hop Pop's working.

Anne: Yeah, I can see that. 

Sub-Zero: Nice toy boat.

Hop Pop: It's not a "toy boat," Girls. It's a replica of a famous warship.

Anne: Potato, tomato.

Hop Pop: Scram!

He grumbles

Sprig: Tongue tag! If you get tongued, you lose.

Hop Pop: Wait!

They laughing

Hop Pop: No. Kids, cut it out. I said a quiet game.

Hop Pop: No!

She laughing

He distorted

Hop Pop: No!

He screams

Sprig: Oops.

He whimpers

He grunts

Hop Pop: Why don't you kids ever listen to me?

Hop Pop: Okay. Everything's fine. We can still fix her.

Hop Pop: To Loggle's!

Cut to the Leopold Loggle Woodsmith shop

Bessie screeches

Hop Pop: Okay, I'm going in.

Hop Pop: Give Bessie some mushroom treats if she acts up.

Anne: You got it.

Bessie purrs

Hop Pop: Loggle! You've gotta help me save her.

He gasps

Loggle: Is that a 1/80 scale model of The Green Lady?

Hop Pop: Yeah! And she's damaged!

Loggle: Wait here. I have just the thing.

Hop Pop: Mm-hmm.

(???): Excuse me, sir.

He shouts

Hop Pop: Oh. Uh, hello.

(???): Is that your snail out there?

Polly: Whoo-hoo!

Bessie purring

Anne: Show 'em what you got, Bessie!

Police siren whoops

Sub-Zero: Boo!

He sighs

Hop Pop: Those kids are driving me insane.

(???): Unruly kids, is it? Well, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Apothecary Gary. You can also call me Apothe-Gary if you'd like.

Hop Pop: Yeah, I'm not doin' that.

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