Chapter 33: Cursed!

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Cut to the Wartwood Farmer's Market

Mrs. Croaker: Here you go, dearie.

Anne: Catch ya later, Mrs. Croaker!

Mrs. Croaker: Oh, they'll never catch me!

She laughs

Anne: Hey, Maddie! Happy market day!

They laughs

Sub-Zero: Classic creepy Maddie!

Anne: Uh, what are you doing?

Sprig: Hiding. Ever since Maddie and I got engaged, things between us have been... awkward.

Sub-Zero: Dude, if you don't want to be engaged anymore, just go break it off.

Sprig: Break up with her? To her face?

He grunts

Sprig: She'll kill me.

She laughing maniacally

Sprig whimpers

Anne: Look, breakups are no big deal. I used to do it for my friends all the time.

Sub-Zero: They called me the breakup queen and king. Also Anne is Angel of Death and Me is King of Hell.

Sprig: Perfect. You go break up with her for me, and I'll go find a new hiding spot

Anne, Sub-Zero, Sprig: Spranne Liang against the world!

They both laughing

Anne/Sub-Zero: Whoo!

Barry: Whoa!

Barry: Gracious me!

Sprig: Oops. Sorry about that. Barry.

Anne: I didn't see you there, Barry.

Barry: Shucks, kids. Don't worry about it.

Barry: Nothing gets Barry down.

They both gasps

Sprig: Candy magic.

Barry: Have a "Barry" good day.

He laughs

Barry: Barry's here!

They crowd cheering

Sprig: There goes Barry, sweetest frog in all of Wartwood.

Anne: Swell.

Sub-Zero: And now to break up with Maddie for ya.

They screeching

Anne: Or maybe breaking up by text would be better.

Sprig: By wha--?

Anne: By text.

Sub-Zero: It's not super cool, but, hey, everybody's done it at least once.

He laughs

Sprig: Now we're both cowards.

She writes a letter that reads:

Dear Maddie,

I break up with you.



She then folds it into a paper airplane.

Sprig: Whoa.

Sprig: Huh. That wasn't so bad.

Anne: See? Like I said, no problem.

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