Chapter 4: Flood, Sweat & Tears

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The episode starts with Anne and Sub-Zero and Sprig at the Plantar's front yard. Anne is holding a tennis racket and Sub-Zero is holding a golf club

Sprig: You ready?

Anne: You set 'em up, and We'll knock 'them down.

Sprig: Okay.

He digs under the ground

They waiting

Anne: Come on. Come on!

Sprig: Two bugs Coming at ya.

He brings out a large two fly. It comes towards Anne and Sub-Zero

Anne: Backhand!

Sub-Zero: Hole in one!

They swings the racket and golf club onto the two fly, making it fly away

He pops out from the ground

Sprig: Nice swings!

Anne: I was on varsity.

Sub-Zero: So was I, in fact I was reason the reason our team won the championship.

Sprig: I have no idea what any of that means.

They both makes their own handshake and then laughing

Wally playing concertina

Wally: A frog child and a two monster from the woods getting along? So unnatural.

Wally plays unusual note

Anne: Pssh! Of course we get along. We're Sprig and Anne and Kuai Liang.

Sprig: Anne and Kuai Liang and Sprig.

They pose with Sprig standing off Anne's and Kuai Liang hip

Anne and Kuai and Sprig: Spranne Liang against the world!

Wally: Disgusting.

Wally keeps playing concertina and leave

Suddenly Hop Pop screams from inside the house

Sub-Zero: Was that Hop Pop?

Sprig: Sounds like he's in trouble. We're coming, Hop Pop!

They run into the house and then into Anne's and Sub-Zero room

Sprig: Hop Pop! Hop Pop!

Anne: Whoa! What happened in here?

It's revealed the whole room is floods

Sprig: Hop Pop?

He screaming

Hop Pop: Stay back! Darned burrow bugs must have chewed the water pipes!

Sub-Zero: Our room!

Anne: Our stuff!

He put Anne's bag on the stair

Hop Pop: Don't worry, Anne. I saved your stuff. Except your bed. Sub-Zero bed. And your blankets. And your pillows, pencils, T-shirts, hairbrush, toothbrush.

Anne: Just how long till it's fixed?

Hop Pop: Well, gotta find the leak, then patch it up good.

Sprig: Oh, let me help!

Hop Pop: Oh, no, ya don't! This here's river water. No tellin' what creepy critters are swimmin' around.

He river lamprey reveals its eyes above water then swims again

Sub-Zero: Uh, so where are we gonna sleep?

Sub-Zero and the Amphibia Season 1Where stories live. Discover now