Chapter 29: A Night at the Inn

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Anne and Sub-Zero and the Plantar are looking at the mountain pass sign out of the valley, which is blocked with a giant wall of ice.

Hop Pop: Well, Anne, I don't wanna say I told you so.

Anne: Yes, you do.

Hop Pop: Okay, you're right. I told you so.

He chuckles

Hop Pop: Still gonna be a few weeks before that snowpack melts.

She groans

Anne: But I've waited so long. And getting out of this valley might help us find answers on how to get home.

Sub-Zero: We will Anne.

Sprig: I know it stinks, but how about some careless misadventuring to take your mind off it? I think there's a creepy lagoon nearby.

Anne: Ooh! Think we'll find some bloated remains?

Sprig: Here's hoping.

They both giggle and run off

Polly: And while they're doing that, I'm gonna check out this scary forest.

Hop Pop: Oh, no, you don't. Not by yourself.

She groans

Polly: But why not?

Hop Pop: 'Cause you're a pollywog. You're too young to go off on your own.

Polly: But the other kids did.

Leech creature screeching

They reappearing suddenly

Anne and Sprig: Go, go, go, go!

Everyone jumps onto the wagon.

Hop Pop: Hyah!

Anne: Whew! Who knew leeches could run so fast?

Sprig: Or had legs?

Anne: Glad I got to see them, though.

Sprig: Truly a once in a lifetime experience.

She moans

Bessie sputters

All gasps

Bessie sputters

Sub-Zero: Why'd we stop.

Hop Pop: Oh, shoot. Snail trouble, everyone.Snail trouble.

Sprig: Hmm. Stranded, eh? Well, couldn't have picked a nicer day.

It immediatly starts raining. Everyone glares at Sprig.

Hop Pop: Whoa. Dang it. It's too darn muddy for me to squeeze under Bessie to see what's the trouble.

Polly: Hey, I can fit under Bessie.

Hop Pop: No, you stay up there where it's safe.

She huffs

Anne: Hey, look.

Sub-Zero: There's a bed and breakfast just down the road.

Hop Pop: Forget it. We ain't spending coppers on lodging when we've got a perfectly fine tent--

Wind blow

The tent blows away and gets destroyed by a thunderclap.

Hop Pop: All right, B&B it is. But no extras. Hang tight, Bessie. We'll find you a comfy place to rest in a jiffy.

Bessie purrs

Cut to the Dandy Lion Inn

They run to the inn and go inside.

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