Chapter 5: Hop Luck

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Frog: Aah! Help! Somebody help me!

Anne: And this bad boy is my kitty Domino.

She meows

Anne: You guys would like her. She's got fire.

Sprig: Ooh!

Sub-Zero: Aw, I really miss Domino!

Polly: Aw, she's so tiny! I feel huge!

Sprig: Hmm. I will...

He pulls out a hammer

Sprig: Set her free!

 Anne reclaims her phone

Anne: Please stop doing that.

They sizzling

Anne: Sub-Zero did you smell of your pant.

Sub-Zero: That wasn't me is-

He sniffs

Sub-Zero: Ugh! What is that? Did something crawl under the house and die?

He sniffing

Sprig: Worse, Sub-Zero. Much worse. Hop Pop is cooking!

Sprig: Brace yourself.

Anne: Brace myself for what?

Sprig: Aah!

He screaming

They humming

 Hop Pop: Mmm!

He slurping

Sprig: What's the plan this year, Hop Pop? Poison the competition? Ooh!

Hop Pop: The plan is to win.

Sub-Zero: Win, What win?

Hop Pop: The annual village potluck. Every year we frogs gather for a great contest. The family who brings the best-tasting dish is showered with love and copper coins. The family with the worst-tasting dish spends the night in...



Anne: Brutal.

Sprig: And guess which family ends up there every year.

All three sigh

Sub-Zero: Anne, We gotta help them, They don't deserve to be locked up that's Plantar frog family abuse to spend the night in...


Sub-Zero: THE SHAME CAGE! Where we gonna do!

Anne: I got an idea.

Anne: If you think We're gonna let our favorite froggy family end up in a cage, you've got another thing coming. I know I'm not technically a Plantar, but maybe we can help.

All: Mmm!

Sprig: Anne and Sub-Zero, we'd sure appreciate it.

Anne: So, what you making over there, Hop Pop? Sock gumbo?

Hop Pop: No, silly. It's a traditional recipe from my family's cookbook. We been using this baby since I was a pollywog.

Sub-Zero: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I think I found your problem, guys.

They gasps

Anne: Old things are dumb!

They gulps

Polly: Oh, that makes sense.

Sprig: It's all so clear now.

Hop Pop: But we Plantars have always cooked these recipes. What would my great-gam-gam say?

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