Chapter 39: Reunion

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Part 1


3 months earlier

Anne and Kuai is biking them way to school. When she arrives, a girl approaches her while she's putting her lock on the bike rack.

Maggie: Hey, Boobchuy! Whatcha eatin'? A puke bun?

She cackles

Anne: It's not a bun, Maggie. It's khao niew bing, a traditional Thai snack made up of rice and coconut milk. My mom made it for me because it's my birthday.

Maggie: Oh, happy birthday. Give me that!

Anne: Hey! Get your own Thai mom.

Kuai: That's Anne Thai mom food, Give it back.

Sasha: Hey, Margot! 

Slade: Leave them alone! And also, nice guitar solo, Vince.

Vince: Yeah!

Maggie: Oh, yeah? Or else what?

Sasha: Or else you can forget coming to my awesome house party next week. 

Slade: It'll be really sad when the whole class is enjoying the pool without you.

Maggie: Aw, jeez, Sash and Slade. I was just playin'. Here.

Anne: Thanks, dude.

Sasha: No worries. You just gotta speak their language. But never mind that. Happy birthday, girl!!

Kuai: I brought you a Happy birthday Cupcake Anne, I put on the smile of my face.

Anne: Oh, thank you!

Slade: And Sasha brought Awesome house party pool volleyball!

They both squealing

Anne/Kuai: Yes!

She grunts

Sasha: Buzzkill.

Dissection teacher Mrs. Virk: Alright, class. Today's your lucky day cause it's Frog Dissection day. 

All groans

Boy: Gross.

Anne: Ugh! Frogs are the worst.

Sasha: Right? Let's get outta here.

They heaving

Sasha: Mrs. Virk, the sight of blood... I-- I'm gonna be sick.

Dissection teacher Mrs. Virk: Oh, dear. Anne, Kuai, Slade why don't you take Sasha to the sick room before she desecrates these beautiful frog bodies with her vomit. Thank you.

They both giggling

Anne: Yo, Sash and Slade.

Kuai: Sick room's over here.

She sighs

Slade: Forget the sick room. Forget school. Let's get out of here and celebrate Anne birthday in ride and style.

Anne: Oof, skip school? I don't know, Sash and Slade--

Sasha: Anne, this is your 13th birthday. You only get one of these. So let's make it the best birthday in the history of birthdays.

Anne: Well... all right. I gotta be home by 6:00, though. 

Kuai: Anne parents are throwing a big party and they really want us to be there.

Sasha: Right, right, you got it. Now let's get this thing started!

Slade: Let's the Anne birthday party BEGIN!

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