Chapter 23: Civil Wart

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Cut to the Theater Night Stage

Hop Pop: Ah, Theater night. The one night a month we come together, watch our stories, and forget all our HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE TROUBLES.

All sighs

Hop Pop: Now who wants popcorn?

Anne: Oh, me, me!

Polly: I do!

Sub-Zero: Oh, me too!

Arguing frogs: My seat!

She chanting

Lavender, Ginger, and Rosemary: Theater night, theater night!

He looking for a seat

Sprig: Oh! Right in the middle! Dibs!

Polly: That seat is mine!

Sprig: Not if I get there first.

Polly: Oh!

Sprig: Boom!

Polly: No fair. You have appendages.

Hop Pop: Tut-tut. Sprig, give Polly the seat.

Sprig: Say what? Come on, Hop Pop. I got here first. 

He grunts

Hop Pop: That's what older brothers do, Sprig. They look out for their little sisters. Now, move that rump over to that stump.

He gasps and groans

Anne: Bummer, dude.

He sighs

Sprig: It's just not fair. Just because she's a little younger, she always gets special treatment.

Anne: I'm an only child, so I don't relate. All my parents' attention was focused on me. And it was... awesome.

He blow raspberry

Sprig: Lucky you.

Mayor Toadstool: All right, now. Everybody settle down. I have some bad news. The acting troupe had to cancel on account of...well, being eaten on the way here.

All booing

Mrs. Croaker: We need our stories!

Anne: Hold up, everyone. I have something that might work. It's called a "movie." It's like a play, but totally better.

They crowd murmuring

Villager: A moovie.

Anne props her phone against her shoe onstage as a frog places a giant glass panel in front to magnify the screen.

Anne: Thanks, Chad, local glass artisan.

Chad: Yep.

Anne: Okay, so tonight I'm going to be showing the timeless classic Love Choice, which has always been one of my favorites because--

Mrs. Croaker: Just start the movie!

She laughs

Anne: You got it.

She presses button, the movie doesn't start

Anne: Dang it.

She presses button again, this time it works

Narrator: In the not so distant future, three grounded yet supernatural teens must navigate their feelings if they hope to survive.

Hop Pop: Wait, how could they be both grounded and supernatural?

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