Chapter 36: Combat Camp

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He whistling

Sprig: I still can't believe you're bringing us to a day care, Hop Pop.

Hop Pop: Look. I'm sorry, okay? But I have to go to the Annual Crop Convention. It's a long ways away, and I can't leave you kids on the farm alone for the weekend.

Sprig, Polly: What?

Anne: Ugh!

Sub-Zero: Are you kidding me?

Hop Pop: Wish I was, Girls. But you kids need supervision. Why, sometimes it feels like we have at least two wacky adventures a week!

Hop Pop: Here we are!

(???): Greetings, I am Tritonio Espada, the instructor of this day care.

(???): And this my assistant Demon Head.

Hop Pop: Huh, I thought Briar and Iris Bogwater ran this place

Demon Head: The Bogwaters retired last year and sold their business to us.

Hop Pop: Well in that case, I'm Hopediah Plantar.

Hop Pop: This here is Sprig, Polly and Anne and Sub-Zero.

Polly blows raspberry

Hop Pop: They may be gigantic, but they're also a child.

Anne/Sub-Zero: Hey!

Tritonio: Ah, yes.

Demon Head: We shall educate them! Teach them true discipline!

Hop Pop: Oh. I like the cut of your jib, Mr. Tray-tony.

Hop Pop: Did I say that right?

Tritonio: Absolutely not.

Sprig: This isn't so bad, I guess. There is a cool tower.

Anne: You guys don't get it. And Tritonio's a teacher, enemy of all that is good. 

Sprig: Uh, what's so bad about teachers?

Sub-Zero: Let's just say, Anne and I and them don't mix.


Math Teacher: Okay, so then you carry the three and--

He sighs

Video game noise

Math Teacher: Not again.

Video game noise continue

Anne: You'll never take me alive!

Math Teacher: Anne! Anne, get back here!

End of Flashback

Anne: Teachers. They just don't like us.

Sub-Zero: Probably 'cause they're jealous of them carefree spirit.

Hop Pop: Well, kids, looks like you're in good hands here with Mr. Tritonio and Demon Head.

Hop Pop: Hyah! Crop Con, here I come!

Tritonio: Finally. It is just us now.

Demon Head: So let us cast aside these illusions, yes?

Tritonio/Demon Head: Ah!

Anne, Sub-Zero, Sprig, Polly: Whoa!

Tritonio: And this is no mere day care.

Demon Head: This is a Combat Crash Course for kids.

Polly: Yoo-hoo!

Sprig: Cool!

Tritonio: Adults, they shelter their children.

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