Chapter 21: Grubhog Day

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Cut to the Wartwood Carnival anuual Grubhog Day

They people screaming

They townspeople chattering

Merchant: Iced flies! Get your iced flies over here!

Anne: Carnie games? Fair food? Why can't it be like this all the time?

Sub-Zero: I know, right this is amazing?

Polly: Welcome to Grubhog Day, Girls! It's the one day a year that no one works and the whole swamp cuts loose.

Frog: Whoo-hoo!

He garbled mumbling

Polly: It all leads up to a big ceremony where the grubhog pops out of his official stump!

Sub-Zero: And, let me guess, predicts the weather?

She gasps

Polly: How'd you know?

Anne: Believe it or not, we've got the same thing in my world.

Sprig: Grubhog, schmub hog. The best part of this holiday is the vomit-inducing, death-defying, unforgettable...rides!

Anne: That's what I'm talking about.

All laughs

Hop Pop jumps out of a bush.

Hop Pop: Not so fast, kids!

Sub-Zero: Hop Pop, wha--What are you doing hiding in the bushes?

Hop Pop: Uh, I'm not quite sure myself, Anne and Sub-Zero. But never mind that. Great news! Ralphie Underbrook has the plague!

They gasps

Polly: That's horrible!

Hop Pop: Oh, he'll be fine. But now, someone has to take care of the grubhog, and I volunteered you, Sprig.

Sprig: What?

Hop Pop: This is a big deal. The last Plantar to do it botched the job so bad, we shunned him for life.

Anne: Botched it?

Polly: Let's just say he got hungry. And he ate it.

Anne: Ew.

Sub-Zero: That's gross.

Hop Pop: Isn't this exciting? You'll have to miss the fair, of course, but it's for a good cause. Come on, boy. Do it for the family. What do you say?

Sprig: Well... I, uh...

He groans

Sprig: Of course I will! There's nothing more important to me than family. Rides are for dum-dums anyway.

He chuckles

Hop Pop: That's my Sprig! I knew I could count on you. This guy, everyone! This guy!

Cut to the Official Carnival Tent

Sub-Zero: Oh! He's so cute.

Anne: Like a little sock puppet!

Hop Pop: Careful, It spits acid.

Grubhog: [oinks]

They shouts

Hop Pop: Don't stare into the abyss, Anne and Sub-Zero. 

Hop Pop: AFTER ALL, IT STARE BACK. You got that costume on yet, boy?

He groans

Hop Pop: I'm so happy I lived to see this.

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