Chapter 13: Dating Season

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She grunting

Anne: Why do we always hang out in the woods?

Sub-Zero: You have a perfectly good living room.

Sprig: Where's the fun in that? This place is full of nature. Whoo-hoo!

Anne: Yeah, exactly.

She humming

He gasps

Sprig: Stay back. It could be a bloodsucking predator.

Anne: You are really not selling me on this place.

Sprig: Oh, no. It's an--

Ivy: Ambush!

He grunting

Sprig:  I'm hit! Sprig down! Sprig down!

Ivy: Ha ha!

Sprig: Hey, Ivy. Nice ambush. Gourd in a wig? Classic.

She chuckles

Ivy: Can't take all the credit. You're really easy to trick.

Sprig: Well, guilty as charged.

They both laugh

They clearing throat

Sprig: Oh, Ivy, meet Anne and Sub-Zero. Oddity from another world. Anne and Sub-Zero, meet Ivy. Childhood acquaintance and occasional sparring partner.

She grunts and laughs

Anne: Hey, Ivy.

Ivy: Hey, I've seen you two around. Nice to officially meet. Do you like being randomly attacked?

Anne: Not at all.

Ivy: Well, too bad. See you later, Sprig. But you won't see me.

She shouts

They laugh

Sub-Zero: Well, well, well.

Anne: She's kinda cute, huh?

They wiggles eyebrows

Sprig: I don't know what you're talking about.

Anne/Sub-Zero: Well, well, well, well, well, well, well.

Sprig: You're being weird, Anne and Sub-Zero.

Cut to the Plantar Farm

Sub-Zero: We're home!

Hop Pop: What have you three been doin'? I've been lookin' for you all morning.

Anne: Oh, nothing. Except Sprig was totally flirting with a cute girl!

He gasps

Hop Pop: No kiddin'?

Sprig: Anne and Sub-Zero, it's not like that. Ivy Sundew and I are just friends.

Hop Pop: Ivy Sundew? Nobody move! I'm gettin' the courtship kit.

Anne: This is so exciting! I'm gonna go get my dating magazines. BRB!

Polly: I don't actually care.

Sub-Zero: Neither do I.

Hop Pop: Here we go. The Firefly Formal is tonight. It's the perfect opportunity to begin the ritual.

Anne: Ritual?

Hop Pop: Uh-huh. Only frogs who have performed the ceremonial dance in the ceremonial garb are allowed to be wed.

Sub-Zero and the Amphibia Season 1Where stories live. Discover now