Chapter 27: Snow Day

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Scene opens on Cut to the Plantar Farm. Two dandelions peacefully float by as cheerful music plays

It's a lovely warm day as ever, as we cut to a lovely warm Omelette

Mushrooms, fried potatoes and vegetables can be seen peeping out of it, as Anne and Sub-Zero puts on the final touch: A basil leaf

Anne: Perfecto!

The scene moves back to reveal to us that we are in the Plantar kitchen: Anne and Sub-Zero is holding a pan and her freshly made Omelette, while Hop Pop and Polly sit at the dining table, curious as to what Anne and Sub-Zero is up to now

Polly: What do you call these again?

Anne: Omelettes!

They slides the plate towards Hop Pop with a bit of pride and brag to them

Sub-Zero: Very popular where we're from!

Hop Pop, however, is less sure

Hop Pop: We'll see about that.

Hop Pop takes a bite and considers the flavor. His eyes widen in wonder and awe; It is perfect

Hop Pop: Holy crabapples! Until today, I've been eating garbage!

Polly also tries, shoving her face in. She too is amazed

Polly: I see the future, and it's omelettes!

Suddenly, a fearful shout from Sprig can be heard from the stairs

Polly: Wha?

Sprig continues to shout, and falls off the stairs and onto his face

Sprig then immediately gets back up and resumes shouting in fear, now right next to Hop Pop, disconcerting him

Sprig abruptly stops when he sees the Omelette though

Sprig: Oh, those look good!

Hop Pop: Omelettes.

Sprig: Huh.

Sprig resumes shouting

Sprig: It's happening!

Sub-Zero: What's happening!

Hop Pop grabs Sprig by the face, now serious and fully focused

Hop Pop: Are you sure it's happening?

Close up on Sprig, more serious than ever

Sprig: Dead sure.

Cut back to show the rest of the family, Polly also focused and Anne and Sub-Zero out of the loop

Anne: Is this a "we've gotta go now" kind of thing, or can I finish eating?

Sprig: Take it to go, Anne, 'cause we've got to go sound the alarm!

Anne: Okay.

Sub-Zero: I guess.

They places some containers on the table and starts to separate parts of the omelette into different containers

Anne: I'm just gonna separate the stuff so it retains the flavor and doesn't get soggy...


Hop Pop: Come on, Anne and Sub-Zero, we better move on!


Anne: Okay, okay!

Hop Pop runs out of the house with Sprig on top of him, the young frog literally sounding the alarm

Anne and Sub-Zero, who's holding Polly, stares at them, a little startled, from the doorway

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