Chapter 32: Bizarre Bazaar

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Hop Pop: Well, that was a waste of time.

Anne: Ugh, you said it.

Sub-Zero: I can't believe there was nothing in the archives about the music box.

They both 

Sprig, Polly: Wow!

Sprig: So, you really think this is your key to getting home?

Anne: Well, it zapped us here, so, yeah. It's pretty much our only lead.

Sub-Zero: Really looking forward to finding someone who can help us fix this thing.

Anne/Sub-Zero: Bleh!

Hop Pop: Don't worry, Girls. We'll figure it out eventually.

Bessie screeching

Hop Pop: Whoa!

Hop Pop: Hey, get outta the way, you... Whatever the heck you are.

Sprig: Hmm.

Sprig: Oh hey, what's that?

Sprig: Man, these things are cute.


Sprig: Aw.

Anne: Sprig! Sprig! Hmm?

Sub-Zero: What ever you do Sprig, Don't put your hand in there.

Sprig: Whoa.

Sprig: Guys, look what I found. I think it's an entry ticket for the Bizarre Bazaar.

Anne: The what now?

Sprig: The Bizarre Bazaar.

Sprig: I've never been, but I've heard stories.

Sprig: It's a mysterious night market that passes through once a year.

Sprig: Exotic foods, games, mysterious treasures.

Anne: Really?

Sub-Zero: Maybe someone there will know how my music box works.

Hop Pop: Hold up! From what I've heard, that bazaar is full of greedy degenerates.

Hop Pop: Wave that thing around, and it'll get stolen for sure.

Hop Pop: Tell you what. I'll reach out to some frogs I know and see if they know a thing about your music chest.

Anne: Box.

Hop Pop: That, too.

They sighs

Anne: All right, fine.

Hop Pop: Finally. Let's go.

Hop Pop: Hyah! Hyah!

Sprig: We're going to the Bizarre Bazaar tonight, aren't we?

Sub-Zero: Obvi.

Cut to the Plantar Farm in night

He snoring

They snickering

Anne: Yeah-uh!

Sub-Zero: Bizarre Bazaar, here we come.

Anne: Okay, which way?

Sprig: I don't know.

Sprig: I think the egg is supposed to show us.

Sprig: Whoops.

Sub-Zero: Dude!

They gasps

Anne: After it!

Sub-Zero and the Amphibia Season 1Where stories live. Discover now