Chapter 31: Family Fishing Trip

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Sprig: Ah, the annual Plantar fishing trip. I can't wait to cast off.

Sub-Zero: Neither can I.

Anne: Me either, my froggy friend. But I'm not fishing. I'm parasailing, baby!

Polly: Wow! Flying? What a great way to spy on my enemies.

She evil laughs

Anne: What do you say, Sprig?

Sub-Zero: Why fish when you can fly?

Sprig: Ooh, tempting. But, nope. I'd rather fish.

Sprig: It's what Hop Pop and I have done on this trip ever since I was a pollywog.


He gasps

Sprig: First we'd get the bait ready.

He grunting

He screams

Sprig: Then he'd let me steer the boat.

Pollywog Sprig: Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Sprig: Then we'd spend the rest of the day fishing together.

End of Flashback

Sprig: We look forward to this all year.

Sprig: It's our special time, and that's never gonna change.

Sylvia: Hello, children.

Sylvia: I'm so glad I get to join you all on this boat trip.

Anne: Oh, hey, Sylvia.

Sub-Zero: Hi, Sylvia.

Polly: You're coming, too? Cool! 

Sprig: Oh. Hey, Sylvia.

Sprig: Has anyone seen Hop Pop?

Hop Pop: Morning, kids.

Hop Pop: Ready for the brisk open waters?

Hop Pop: Ahoy, there.

Anne: Dang, HP. Looking good.

Sub-Zero: Cool, HP.

Sylvia: Isn't he dreamy?

Hop Pop: Oh, hey. Well--

She giggling

Hop Pop: Now come on, my dear. I'll show you around the boat.

Sylvia: Oh, how lovely!

Sprig: What the heck? He can't fish in that ridiculous outfit.

Anne: Looks like Hop Pop's fishing for something else.

Polly: Ew. Gross, Anne and Sub-Zero.

He blows raspberry

Sprig: This doesn't change a thing.

Sprig: He and I are still gonna spend the day together and have our special time.

Hop Pop: Anchors away, and here we go!

Sylvia: Whoo!

Anne: Boat trip! Yeah!

Sprig: Let's do it!

Sub-Zero: Here we go!

Hop Pop: Eh, we'll fix it when we get back.

Hop Pop: To the sea!

He clatter the bring the house dock

Cut to the sea

Sub-Zero and the Amphibia Season 1Where stories live. Discover now