Chapter 11: Sprig Vs Hop Pop

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He sighs

Sprig: Huh?

Cow-wapillars: [mooing]

He gasps

Sprig: Hop Pop, great idea! What if we trained the cowapillars to eat these weeds? Then we wouldn't have t--

Hop Pop: Hup bup bup. Suggestion barrel's over there.

Sprig: Suggestion 89...

Anne: Hey, think he actually reads these?

Sub-Zero: Not a chance?

Polly: Doubt it. I suggested a swimming pool months ago and that never happened.

Sprig: Oh, come on, guys. Have a little more faith in Hop Pop.

He grunts

Sprig: Oop...

He laughs

Sprig: Hand stuck.

He groans

Sprig: What the.

Polly: Huh? A fire pit? That's the opposite of a swimming pool.

Sprig: Why, Hop Pop? Why?

Hop Pop: Because your suggestions were ridiculous. You can't just dig swimming pools anywhere. It attracts pests. Running a farm ain't easy, kids.

Sprig: Maybe. But if I were in charge, I'd listen to other people's suggestions, not burn them.

Hop Pop: You? Run the farm? Ha! Run it into the ground, maybe.

Sprig: Oh!

Hop Pop: Whoa!

She gasps

Polly: Is that an official challenge?

He panting

Sprig climb top and ring the bell

He warbles

Polly: Sprig Plantar, you have rung the Plantar Family Challenge bell! What is your challenge?

Sprig: I want to replace Hop Pop and run the farm my way.

Polly: Hop Pop?

Hop Pop: I do formally accept this challenge.

Anne: I'm sure this will make sense in a moment.

A few moments later

Cut to the Lily Pad

Anne: Never mind.

Sub-Zero: Good question, What the heck's going on?

Hop Pop: The Plantar Family Challenge.

Sprig: An artful test of skill where the winner takes all!

Polly: They push each other until someone falls off a lily pad. It's dumb, but fun to watch.

Sub-Zero: This'll be good.

Anne: Has Sprig ever won?

Sprig: I've won in spirit.

Anne: So, no.

Polly: Enough chit chat. Let the challenge begin!

They both yell

They both grunting

He gasps

He laughs

Hop Pop: Give it up, boy. I've got the experience and the upper body strength.

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