Chapter 26: Trip to the Archives

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Hop Pop: Now, remember, gang. The mountain pass will clear up in one week. Meaning, it's almost time to leave this valley and find Anne and Sub-Zero a way home.

Anne: Whoo! Love that!

Sub-Zero: Because I love that quest!

Sprig: Excitement!

Polly: Sights!

Hop Pop: And you know the best way to start a quest?

Sprig: Danger?

Polly: Weapons?

Hop Pop: Research!

They groans

Hop Pop: Oh, come on, gang. We'll never get Anne and Sub-Zero home if we get bitten to death by a venomous snake fly.

Nearby snake fly: [hisses]

Hop Pop: Or eaten to death by a camouflaged sod skink.

A sod skink appears and kills the snake fly.

Hop Pop: Or crushed to death by a sand liger.

A sand liger appears and kills the sod skink.

Sand liger: [roars]

Sod skink: [little screams]

Sub-Zero: Okay, okay, okay. Enough death already. Sheesh.

Anne: I'm beginning to think you guys are obsessed.

Cut to The Historic Wartwood Town Archives

He groans

Sprig: The town archives?

He grunts

Sprig: This place is dustier than Dusty's dustbin.

Polly: Who?

Sprig: Come on. You know Dusty. Local dust merchant. Friendly, always smiling, sells dust.

Polly: Oh, yeah, yeah. Right.

Anne: I get this place. It's like a library from my world. Zoobooks and manga, here I come!

Hop Pop: Enough chatter, you four. Time to hit the books.

Sprig: Wait! Wouldn't we be better off preparing by diving headfirst into deadly situations?

Anne: Huh. Yeah. Maybe Sprig's right, Hop Pop. Research is overrated.

Hop Pop: Overrated, eh? How's diving into adventure been working out so far?

Anne: Hmm.

Sub-Zero: Well.

Flashback #1

Anne and Sub-Zero and Sprig hiding stone from a fire-breathing giant mole.

Fire-Breathing Giant Mole: [roars]

Anne and Sub-Zero and Sprig: [screams]

Flashback #2

Bessie caught in a mudslide.

They screams

Bessie chirps

Flashback #3

All five tied up under a giant skunk.

They screams

Anne/Sub-Zero: No, no, no, no, no!

End of Flashback

Polly: I can still smell that skunk juice.

She shudders

Anne: Yeah. Fair enough. Research it is.

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