Chapter 28: Cracking Mrs. Croaker

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Felicia: Hi, Sprig. Thanks for your help in the tea shop the other day.

Sprig: No problem, Felicia. I had a tea-rrific time.

She chuckles

Felicia: Oh, come here, you little charmer.

He laughing

Felicia: Oh, look at you. Okay, bye.

Sprig: All right, see ya.

Jerry: Hiya, Sprig.

Sprig: Heya, Jerry.

Patrick: Top of the mornin' to you, Sprig.

Sprig: Lookin' good, Patrick.

Ferraiolo: Buongiorno, Sprig.

Sprig: Hey, all right!

Anne: Wow. 

Sub-Zero: People around here really seem to like Sprig.

Polly: Yep, he's always been something of a town favorite.

Sprig makes a Kawaii-like face.

Polly: Those big eyes and goofy grin are hard to resist.

He horn honks

Sprig: Hey-hey! Here comes Mrs. Croaker. Hi, Mrs. Croaker!

Mrs. Croaker zooms right past without saying hi.

Sprig: Heh. This thing broken?

Anne, Sub-Zero, Polly: Hi, Mrs. Croaker!

Mrs. Croaker: Well, hello, Anne. Sub-Zero. Polly.

She giggling

He panting

Sprig: Hi, Mrs. Croa...ker...? That was weird. Guys, you aren't gonna believe this, but...I don't think Mrs. Croaker likes me!!

Anne: Huh. So what do you think Hop Pop's making for dinner tonight?

Sprig: How could she not like me? I'm Sprig. The fun Plantar!

Anne: Don't worry about it, dude. It's okay if one person doesn't like you.

Sprig: You know what, Anne, you're right. This is not okay.

Sub-Zero: That's literally the opposite of what Anne just said.

Sprig: Looks like it's time to crank up the charm on this widow.

He holds the door open for Mrs. Croaker on the way out of the store

He chuckles

Sprig: After you, m'lady. What?

Frog: Oh, hey. Thanks so much--

He trying to grab Mrs. Croaker's groceries from her

Sprig: Wait. Uh, let me help you with that.

He straining

Sprig: Whoa!

He crash

Sprig: No, wait! Mrs. Croaker, come back.

He sobbing

Sprig: Acknowledge me!

Polly: That was the saddest thing I've ever seen. AND I'VE SEEN SOME THINGS.

Sprig: How can I fix this?

Anne: Totally feel for you, dude. I had the same issue with a girl named Jamie Krieger back home. 

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