Chapter 15: Contagi-Anne

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It's a stormy day in Wartwood. Anne and Sub-Zero snuggles in the comfort of the Plantars' basement.

She sighs

Anne: Nothing like sleeping to the sound of rain.

Sub-Zero: This is so relaxing.

Anne: I feel like we're supposed to be doing something.

Sub-Zero: No.

Anne and Sub-Zero happily lays down. Suddenly, Hop Pop slams open the door

Hop Pop: Anne! Sub-Zero! Move! This is the third time I've called you!

Anne: What? No, it isn't.

Hop Pop: No? Okay, then. This is the first time I'm calling you. Let's go! We got work to do.

Hop Pop, Anne, Sub-Zero, Sprig, and Polly are all gathered in the living room.

Hop Pop: Okay, we got a full day of hard work ahead of us.

He hands rain gear to the kids.

Hop Pop: Here ya go, put this on! Polly... there you go, sweetie.

Sprig: Rain gear? Hop Pop, we're frogs!

He takes his jacket off

Sprig: We should actually be taking off our clothes. Woo hoo!

Hop Pop: Keep your pants on, boy. This here ain't no ordinary rainstorm.

Hop Pop shows Wally struggling to walk in the worsening rainstorm. Wally gets hit by a wayward tree blowing in the extreme winds.

He screams from outside

Hop Pop: We gotta cover up the crops before they're destroyed! It'll be hours of back-breaking work in the mud and the muck. Thankless, hard, character-building labor--

As Hop Pop says this, Anne begins to look more and more unsure. Suddenly, Anne interrupts Hop Pop with a forceful cough.

Sprig: Whoa, Anne. Everything all right?

She warily

Anne: No. I think I'm... sick!

Anne falls to the ground in a round of forceful coughing. Hop Pop goes up to investigate.

Hop Pop: Hmm. 

He checks Anne's skin

Hop Pop: No slimy coating. So that's good.

Sub-Zero: Hop Pop, humans don't get slimy at all.

He grabs Anne's tongue

Hop Pop: Great grubs! Your tongue has shrunken to an unnaturally tiny size!

Sub-Zero: My tongue is the same size because we're humans.

Hop Pop: Sub-Zero right, I've got human problems that you know nothing about.

She slaps Hop Pop away

Anne: Stop it! I've got human stuff going on that you don't know anything about

She coughs

Anne: Oh no. Sounds like I've got a bad case of the...mocha lattes!

He gasps

Hop Pop: That sounds horrible! Come on, kids. Let's stay away from Anne and her illness.

Hop Pop, Sprig, Polly and Sub-Zero head for the door

Sub-Zero: Rest up, Anne. We'll handle the work today.

Sprig: Feel better, Anne!

Polly: Rest up!

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