Chapter 17: Lily Pad Thai

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Anne: There you go. Now you're getting it.

Hop Pop: Girls, wanna chop us some veggies for me?

Sub-Zero: You got it, HP.

Sub-Zero: Anne, throw cut veggies.

Anne: Right.

Sub-Zero throw veggies and Anne diced veggies and put them in the bowl

They grunting

Hop Pop: Wow, where'd you two learn to cut like that?

Anne: You know, my parents actually owned a Thai restaurant back home. Ah, whoops. Hold on. I used to work there all the time and help out. I hope they're doing okay without me.

Sub-Zero: I don't even know how this work and how time works here, chances and they're frozen in time until we return.

Hop Pop: Well, how about that. A restaurant.

Polly: Pretty impressive, Anne.

Anne: What about you, Sub-Zero.

Sub-Zero: Anne, just taught me everything she knows.

Suddenly an explosion ges off stove. Sprig is lying on the floor.

Sprig: Yep, I blew up the pizza.

Hop Pop: Oh, dang it, Sprig. Well, looks like this meal's a bust. Who wants to eat out?

Cuts to the Stumpy's Diner

Anne: Oh, wow. This place is not to code.

Sub-Zero: Oh, man. The font on these menus is way too small. Rookie mistake.

Stumpy: Here you are. Five bowls of slop. Enjoy. Or don't. Makes no difference to me.

Sprig: Thanks, Stumpy.

Albus Duckweed: Excuse me, hello. Over here. Yoo hoo!

Stumpy: Is there be a problem, sir?

Albus Duckweed: Um, yes, there's only one fly in my soup. There should be dozens. I mean, how hard is it to run a restaurant, anyway? You just put food on tables. A tadpole can do it.

She groans

Anne: Who's that jerk?

Sub-Zero: And why won't he shut up?

Sprig: That is Albus Duckweed. He writes reviews for the paper. They have comic strips sometimes.

Polly: Blah! He thinks he's better than everyone else just 'cause he talk good.

Hop Pop: It's true.

She groans

Anne: A foodie. Say no more. C'mon Sub-Zero.

Sub-Zero: Right, and we dealt with snobs like him all the time back home. Just listening to him is driving me crazy.

She groans

Anne: I can't take this anymore.

Hop Pop: Anne and Sub-Zero, Please just ignore it and enjoy your slug gruel. Anne and Sub-Zero?

Albus Duckweed: I mean, seriously, look at this place.

Anne: Hey. Lay off, buddy.

Sub-Zero: Running a restaurant is hard.

Stumpy: Kids, what are you doing?

Albus Duckweed: Ha! Well, what does a creature like you know about running a restaurant?

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