Chapter 6: Stakeout

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At the Plantar house, Sprig and Polly are doing dishes.

She lick a fork

Anne: Look, dude, all I'm saying is that where Sub-Zero and I come from you could get arrested for having a couch this firm.

Hop Pop: Back in my day we didn't have furniture. We sat on rocks. Sharp ones.

Anne: Okay. But if I get butt blisters, I'm blaming you.

Hop Pop: Back in my day we called those "character".

Shot cuts to the outside of the Plantar house.]

She groaning

Anne: So... heavy.

Hop Pop: Mind the flagstone.

She trips on a rock and yells

Hop Pop: Back in my day, kids spent less time complainin' and more time watching their step.

Anne: Yeah? Well, where Sub-Zero and I come from people fixed their crummy houses.

He gasps

Hop Pop: This house is like our family! You apologize!

Sub-Zero: What!

Anne: To a house?

Cut to Polly playing solitaire in the living room. A loud thud is heard.

He offscreen

Sub-Zero: Ah, Hop Pop Anne and I come from, but good question Where the toilet!

He another thud is heard

He offscreen

Hop Pop: Well, back in my day we don't need use the toilet for day!

Sub-Zero: What!

She offscreen

Anne: Where Sub-Zero and I come from, we didn't rush people in the bathroom!

She another thud is heard

Hop Pop: Well, back in my day we didn't have a bathroom!

He another thud

They offscreen

Anne/Sub-Zero: Stop hitting the door with a battering ram!

He offscreen

Hop Pop: It's been two hours!

He yells

Sprig: I can't take this anymore!

Polly: They're just getting used to each other. It's not a big deal.

Sprig: Not a big deal? Do you remember the Henderson's next door? They used to argue all the time, and look what happened to them.

Wally loots the Henderson's house which looks abandoned.

Wally: Nothing like scavenging the remains of a broken frog family.

Sprig: If we don't do something now, it won't be long before their bickering tears this family apart.

Polly: I still think we should just give them time. Not like we have a lot of options. You can't force people to get along.

He having an idea

Sprig: Of course not, Polly. Of course not... Of course-

Polly: Just go already!

Shot cuts to the back of the Plantar house

He sighs

A flock of flies honking like geese fly pass.

Sprig: Guys, Guys, we've been robbed!

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