Chapter 24: Hop Popular

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Cut to the Plantar Farm

Anne: Hey, Hop Pop! We got the groceries!

Polly: Couldn't buy much since we've barely got any money left.

Sprig: Feeling any better, Hop Pop?

He sighs

Hop Pop: No. Ever since we lost the vegetable stand I've just felt, well, lost. I was fine the first couple of days.

Hop Pop look picture the vegetable stand

Hop Pop: but it's really starting to catch up with me.

Anne: Well, maybe this will cheer you up. Pa-pow!

Sprig: The Grub-N-Go's hiring greeters! All you gotta do is smile and be friendly.

He sighs

Hop Pop: Just another job for me to lose.

He dragging him off the couch

Sprig: See? You're a natural.

Anne: Now head out there and get back in the game.

Hop Pop: Lemme go! The couch is the only one who understands me!

Cut to the Grub & Go

Man: Thank you, Mr. Plantar. Don't call us, we'll call you.

He close the Grub & Go door and Hop Pop walk away

They crowd clamoring

Villager: Got to get ready!

Hop Pop: What's all this rabble?

Wally: Sign-ups for the election! You been living under a rock? 'Cause I have and even I knew that.

Hop Pop: Election?

Mayor Toadstool: Vote Mayor Toadstool! If reelected, I will always look out for the little guy.

Toadie squeaks as Toadstool uses him as a stool.

Mayor Toadstool: Upsy-daisy.

He engines roar

Child: (Coughing in the dust.)

He scoffs

Hop Pop: Some mayor. That guy keeps raising our taxes, and what do we got to show for it? Our snail-ways are a mess. Our buildings are falling apart. Heck, we ain't even replaced the schoolhouse after last year's millipede incident!

Children screaming

Millipede: [roaring]

Felicia: Am I crazy, or is he making sense?

Hop Pop: Maybe we need a mayor who looks out for the people he's mayoring. 'Cause ours, well...

He chuckles

Hop Pop: He's only looking out for himself. Anyway, good afternoon, everybody.

Wally: I nominate Hopediah Plantar for mayor!

Felicia: I second that!

Villager: I third it.

Villager: Let's hear it for Hopediah!

Villager: Sounds good to me.

Felicia: Hop Pop for mayor, everyone.

They cheering and applause

Hop Pop: Huh?

Cut to the Plantar Farm

Hop Pop: Guess what, kids!

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