Chapter 34: Fiddle Me This

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Sprig: Hey, there's an open spot.

Polly: I don't know, looks a little snug.

Hop Pop: Nonsense.

Bessie backup alarm beeping

Metallic scraping

Bessie beeping continue

Metallic scraping continues

Hop Pop: All right kids, meet back here in 15 minutes.

Sprig: Bog Bath & Beyond, here I come.

He chuckles

Hop Pop: Don't mind if I do.

Cut to the Ascots Store

Wartilda: Well, good mornin', Hopediah.

Hop Pop: Mornin', Wartilda. How are the kids?

Wartilda: Great. You know, my daughter just got accepted to Newtopia University.

He whistles

Hop Pop: That's the big league right there.

Wartilda: Yep, she's got a bright future. Good thing too. Ascots aren't as popular as they used to be.

Hop Pop: Yeah, vegetables aren't doing so hot either.

Hop Pop: People these days are all about fruit.

Hop Pop: That's life, I suppose.

Hop Pop: Um, maybe only four ascots this month, Wartilda.

He sighs

Hop Pop: Sure wish I could give Sprig and Polly a better future.

Sprig and Polly exclaims

Hop Pop: Huh?

Hop Pop: Well, what's over there, more ascots?

Sprig: Whoo-hoo! Amphibia's Got Talent is coming to Wartwood.

Hop Pop: Wait, what is this nonsense? 

Anne: We've got the same thing in my world. 

Sub-Zero: It's a contest where regular people get on stage and try to prove they're special.

Polly: That sounds potentially humiliating.

Anne: Yeah, you get it.

Polly: Yeah, I get it.

They both laughs

Sprig: "Auditions are being held THIS WEEKEND."

Sprig: Hey. Could be fun to play my fiddle in front of a crowd.

Violin up-beat tune

Sprig: Eh? Eh?

Hop Pop: I don't know, Sprig.

Anne: One thing's for sure.

Sub-Zero: Winning this kinda thing sets you up for a life of success and opportunity.

He echoing

Sub-Zero: Opportunity, opportunity...

Dreamy Flashback

He slurping

Sprig: How's life, Polly?

Polly: Ding-dang delightful.

Hop Pop: At last, I can rest...

Hop Pop: forever.

Polly: Wait. If this is the future, why don't I have legs?

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