Chapter 12: Girl Time

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Sprig: This one's going all the way, baby.

He spit lands in the pond.

Hop Pop: Heh! You call that a spit? Now watch this.

He spit lands in the pond further than Sprig's.

She groans

Anne: Just when I thought you guys couldn't get any nastier.

Sprig and Hop Pop gasp

Hop Pop: Nasty? Why spiting is practically a sport in Wartwood.

Sprig: We even have a town record. Whoever breaks the record gets a trophy.

Anne: A trophy for spitting? I can't believe you two are exposing Polly to this sort of—

Polly interrupts Anne and Sub-Zero


Polly outspits both.

Hop Pop: That's my little spitter.

Sprig: You can spit the frown off a widow.

Anne: Wait a second...

Hop Pop picks his ear.

Hop Pop: I always said you'd be the best in the family. Well, you take after your great aunt Gertrude.

Hop Pop sniffs ear wax.

Hop Pop: She was always very good at spitting...

Hop Pop puts wax in his pocket.

Sub-Zero: Oh, no. Polly, you've been surrounded by boys your whole life. It's not too late. We can fix this.

Anne: You need girl time! She needs girl time! Hop Pop, wallet!

Anne and Sub-Zero takes Hop Pop's wallet and takes Polly by the arm.

Polly: Why are you taking me, crazy lady?!

Hop Pop: Not sure what she wants with my wallet, not like I got any money.

Sprig: Less talk, more spit.

Anne: Whoo! Girl time.

Sub-Zero: It's time for giiiirrrrl time.

Polly: Okay, Anne, what the heck's going on?

Sub-Zero: Look, hanging out too much with Sprig and Hop Pop is dangerous.

Anne: If we aren't careful, we'll wake crusty and storing our boogers in jars. We need a day to reset. A day that's ladies' only.

Polly: That sounds bad.

Anne: Look, when I'm done with you, you are going to feel like a new Polly. Just trust me.

Polly: Well, I guess it couldn't hurt. Plus, you and Sprig are always getting into fun trouble. So what are we doing? Toad rustling? Snake punching?

Anne: Better. We're going to...

Cut to the Spa

Sub-Zero: A spa.

Polly: What?

Anne: Those guys know what's up.

Sub-Zero: Three of your fanciest spa treatments, please?

Anne: What the--Hop Pop's IOU's?

Sub-Zero: Uh, will this work?

Spa staff: Hmmm, well, it does say he's good for it. Accepted. Here are your towels.

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