Chapter 24

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I think I've fallen in love with Arfa.

I don't know when. How or where.

But I think it has been a long time. Maybe it all started when the incident where Arfa trying to kill herself occured?

Yeah....I realise that my heart almost stopped when I saw her that day.

Lying on the ground. Full of bloods.

It make me realised that I......(probably?) can't live without her.

But.....if I confess, will she accept me?

When I think about it again,......why I've fallen in love with her?

Is it because of her face? I don't think so. It's because her face looks more like a man rather than a woman.

Than her voice? Okay, this reason is way more impossible to fall in love with. Why? Because whenever you hear her voice, you can't decide wether her voice belong to a woman or a man. her voice is out of option.

Then what......What was the reason I fall in love with her?


Aku mengalihkan pandangan ke arah pemilik suara tu.



"Here. Your watch."

Aku menghulurkan tangan ke depan lalu perempuan ni meletakkan pocket watch aku ke dalan genggaman aku semula.

Oh Yeah. I chuckle a little. We both had made a promise with this watch in the past aren't we?

But if I confess, can we both just stay as friends as usual or.....

Wait. Are we both friends? And apart from that. What we're gonna define our relationship with?

'Cause I started to know her just because I found her trying to kill herself on the rooftop of my hospital.

But now I have done my job as her psychiatrist,.... what we're gonna define our relationship now?



" you think our relationship is?"

"Like....the current now?"



Lama aku memerhatikan dirinya sambil rambut perempuan ni ditiup angin sebelum dia menolak rambutnya tu ke belakang.

Friends....huh? I guess that's okay for now.

Dia tersenyum kecil ke arah aku sebelum tumpuannya dihalakan semula ke arah orang ramai yang sedang menari tu.

Yeah....we both at a ball right now.

A ball that my father decided to do it last month.

And Arfa.....that girl just wear whatever she wants.

She wear an open neck white shirt and a blazer tonight with that dark blue skinny jeans.


Of course. That's the only thing that I can define her right now.

And when the slow song started to play untuk beri peluang kepada pasangan-pasangan yang datang hari ni untuk menari, aku juga mula berdiri lalu terus menghadap Arfa yang masih duduk di kerusinya.

"Want to dance with me?"

Dia terdiam untuk seketika sebelum perempuan ni tergelak kecil.

She put her hand on mine.

"Are you sure? 'Cause aku tak pernah belajar menari sebelum ni for this kind of occasion."

"Don't worry. Just follow my lead."

"But what if others think that we're like...a gay couple? You know my face doesn't look like a woman much."

"Don't think what others said. Just...."

Aku menarik Arfa untuk berada lebih dekat dengan aku di lantai tari-menari ni yang mana membuatkan dirinya terjatuh di dalam pelukan aku.

Dia menjarakkan dirinya sedikit dari dadaku lalu kami berdua mula menari.

"......Enjoy yourself tonight."

But wow.....she's really a bad dancer. Her so stiff.

Aku terus tergelak kecil.


"No, nothing. How about you lean closer to me?"

And suprisingly she follow my words.

Beberapa minit berlalu, hanyut dengan suasana yang terlalu aman, menyebabkan aku tanpa sengaja, berkata;

"I love you."



Kami berdua berkata serentak perkataan 'what' tu selepas confession aku. Yeah.....terkejut jugak dengan confession sendiri.

Agh!!! Stupid Arhan.

"No. Just forget about it."

Dan tanpa sedar aku terus melepaskan tangan Arfa lalu berlalu pergi dari dirinya.

But aku boleh nampak dari ekor mata yang perempuan tu.....hanya berdiam diri di tempatnya berdiri sambil kedua-dua belah tangan digenggam.

* * *

" confessed? For real?"

"Not helping Ariq. Not helping at all."

And Ariq hanya tergelak besar bila mendengar jawapan balas aku terhadap kata-katanya.

"Okay, okay. So.....what did she said?"



"Okay fine! I ran."

"You what?!! Are you crazy? She's perfect for you and you just ran away after confessed to her? You nuts."

"I'm sorry okay? I panic-"

"Pfftt. Panic konon. Anyway, I have a bad news."

Hah.....aku mengeluh perlahan.


"She's back."


"Zahra. She's back."

Zah- that girl? Oh, f*ck.

"Dia still tak tau location aku kat mana kan?"

"Oh, about that...."


Ariq hanya tersenyum kecil ke arah aku. Awkwardly. Damn....what did this guy do?

"Don't tell me...."

"I'm sorry but kau kene selesaikan masalah kau dengan perempuan tu if you want to have a peaceful life."

"And it's not your bussiness to butt in-"


Aku tak dapat menghabiskan kata-kata bila ada seorang perempuan menyampuk perbualan aku dengan Ariq.

Perlahan-lahan kepala dipusing untuk melihat pemilik kepada suara yang memanggil nama aku tadi.

And there she is.

Standing in front of the door while smiling brightly to me.

Arhan HattarWhere stories live. Discover now