The Great Sentinel Prime

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Chapter 96: The Great Sentinel Prime

"Alright class, now I'm going to pass out these sheets and I want you to work out the math problems and discuss them with your partners."

As I picked up my pencil, I released a sigh of slight annoyance and swiftly began working through the math problems presented in front of me.

Here I am working out easy math problems while my dad and Ratchet are up in space right now, probably doing some cool stuff.

Anyone could just imagine being weightless and floating around in space right now.

Maybe I should've asked dad if I could go with them. It's not like it would be any danger around...I mean they're just exploring an old ship and searching for possible survivors, no harm in that.

I'm sure the humans wouldn't mind giving me a spacesuit or some type of protection. Maybe I could just go in my Cybertronian form or oh my Primus...can I breathe in space?!?!

"Hey, did ya hear me?"

I flinched at the tap of my shoulder and turned to the brown-haired girl beside me. "H-Huh? What was that?"

She frowned slightly and gestured to my completed paper. "I said how did you finish your work so fast?"

"Well," I glanced at the paper and shrugged. "It wasn't exactly hard. They're fairly easy."

"Oh," Her frown deepened as she meekly tapped her pencil against the table. "I-If you don't mind...could you help m-me? I'm having a bit of trouble."

"Sure." I picked up my pencil and leaned over to glance at her paper. I scanned the paper and quickly spotted her mistake.

"Here." I pointed to the problem. "Your math is correct but you put the decimal in the wrong spot. You have to move it over two more spaces to the left."

"Ooh," The girl quickly erased her mistake and wrote down her new answer.

I nodded. "Yep. And on this one, you multiplied wrong. 9 times 8 isn't 63, it's 72."

"Whoops," She grinned as a blush crept upon her cheeks. "Silly me."

I watched as she fixed her mistakes and completed her paper before quietly declaring she was done. "Thanks for the help."

"No problem."

"Hey, I don't think I ever caught your name. Aren't you the new kid who moved here about a month ago?"

"Yeah, my name is Liza," I replied, staring into her hazel eyes.

She flashed me a sweet smile. "I'm Julia."

< All N.E.S.T officials clear the floor. We have 10 minutes until attempted contact. >

"I-Is that him?" I stared at the large red mech seated in the metal equipment.

"Wow." I didn't think he'd be that big. I pressed my fingers against the glass, trying to get a better look at the still form of the mech. He was probably bigger than my dad.

He didn't look all that threatening, although he looked dead. Even in his offline state, he looked like a wise experienced warrior that was capable of causing mass destruction. "Sentinel Prime."

"Psst, hey little girl." I turned to a group of officers and Charlotte Mearing who were quietly chatting at a distance.

Though I could hear every word they were saying.

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