So It Begins

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Hello everyone! I am alive and well despite a nasty run with COVID a couple of months ago. So I hope this update is worth the wait. Thanks to all who have reviewed, PM, and favorited chapters! I am going to try to ring out some chapters over the next couple of weeks! This chapter is officially the start of Season 4!

Chapter 24:

"Damn it! Can't I get any alone time with my boyfriend?" I huffed looking for my shirt, which Seto held out playfully. I reached for it but he pulled it away.

"Seto, stop! Someone is at the door! This isn't funny!" I said jumping for my shirt as he now held above my head just out of my reach. I usually love his towering height but right now it was annoying me.

"Then by all means answer the door." He said with a grin and raising his eyebrows suggestively. I am never letting him drink wine ever again.

"Seto! Give me my shirt now!" I demanded probably a little louder than I should have.

"You're no fun; but next time I get it off, it's staying off." He smirked as he finally pulled my shirt over my head. He placed a feather-light kiss on my lips.

"Who said it's coming off again?" I said sticking my tongue out before heading to the door. I undid the lock and opened the door. Yugi and Tea stood there talking, hopefully, oblivious to what was going on inside moments ago.

"Hi, Yugi." I said innocently hoping the flush on my cheeks had faded.

"Rika, who's in there with you?" Yugi asked as he stuck his head past me into the apartment.

"Just Seto. We're having a movie night. I'm tired from my shift on top of the long trip home today, so he'll be leaving soon. It's about over." I lied. I had no intentions of letting Seto leave tonight.

"Oh, okay. We were coming to invite you to game night but you obviously have plans. Oh, and here's your paycheck. Grandpa said you left it on the counter after your shift."

"Thanks, I'll have to deposit it tomorrow. Anyways, you guys have fun! I'll see you at school!" I shut the door quickly.

"Ra, can't I get a moment away?" I said banging my head against the door softly.

"You had a whole week in Tokyo." Seto stated flatly. I rolled my eyes before turning to my sarcastic boyfriend.

"It's not the same. My parents nearly smothered me. Then I come home and try to sneak in so they don't know I'm back and they rudely interrupt my night with you."

"We can pick up where we left off." Seto said coming close. His face had softened and caring Seto was back. But now, I wasn't in a very romantic mood.

"Sorry, but my brother ruined any chance of that."

"But it's my birthday..." he said trailing kisses down my neck.

"No. It's movie night. Come on you can pick!" I pulled away from him and led him to my couch.

"Fine, but we're using my Netflix. Your movie list sucks."

"Rude! I take offense to that." I said glaring.

"It's my birthday. I can get away with a lot of things." He said pulling me flush against him. Another make-out session occurred, but I kept all clothing on this time to his disappointment. His shirt, however, did come off and I am not complaining.

He finally decided on watching his advance copy of the newest Batman. I spent the night cuddled with my boyfriend like a normal teenager...for once.

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