Battle City Begins

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Chapter 2: Battle City Begins

I got up and dressed in my normal black skinny jeans, a bright green low cut top, and my converses. I pulled my hair back into a hair band and put some light make up on.
"Rika, the gang and I are getting ready to head to Battle City if you want to join us." Yugi knocked on my apartment door.
"I'm still getting ready. I'll meet you there!"
"Sounds good!"

I'm glad they don't know I'm a duelist or they'd be stuck to me like glue. I'm also glad they really haven't looked into my past at all. Otherwise, they would know that I'm the reigning Regional Champion in Tokyo. I just don't need that kind of attention here.

I locked my duel disk into place and looked in the mirror. I looked like my normal badass duelist self again and I felt better about this whole situation. I slid my deck into its pocket on my belt. I was about to walk out when I realized I almost forgot my necklace. I ran and put on the chain that it almost hurts to wear right now. Seto is so cold right now. I can't help but wonder what happened these past 6 years. I know I'm different too. I am slow to trust and secretive. But, he is so much more extreme. The way he spoke to me yesterday hurt, but I will try again. I will not give up on him.
I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. I just need to focus on my duels. I said locking the door behind me.

"Battle City, here I come." I said walking towards the town square, which acts as a starting point each day. I walked through down town Domino in search of my first opponent. I saw a boy younger than me sitting on a bench with red hair. He was kind of cute for a little kid but I noticed a duel disk.
"You want to duel?" I asked. His eyes shot to me.
"Sure! You'll be my first opponent of the tournament!"
Too bad for him he was facing me. I felt kind of bad actually. He seems to only be starting out, however, to get invited to the tournament you had to have some experience.

"I'll start with my Feral Imp in Defense Mode." The boy spoke confidently.

"I'll summon my White Cat in attack mode destroy his Imp with Light Claw!" His life points didn't move but he looked mad that his monster was gone.

"I'll place one card face down and end my turn." I finished. He drew and looked a little happier.

"Okay let's see. I'll place this monster face down in defense mode and two cards face down"

"White Cat attack his face down monster!" I said but the boy smiled.

"Activate trap Negate Attack!" Not bad kid but simple traps like that won't win the duel.

"Next I'll sacrifice my face down monster to summon my Twin Headed Thunder Dragon attack her Cat with Thunder Shock Blast." Oh...this could be bad. After his opening moves, I wasn't expecting such a strong monster.

"Sorry, kid but I activate a trap of my own. Mirror Force" His dragon disappeared. He looked shattered. I hope I didn't crush his dueling spirit. I may be ruthless in a duel but he's just a kid.

It wasn't long after that I brought out my Queen of the Stars and wiped out his life points.

"Good duel. I hope you'll keep trying. You have many years of dueling ahead of you I can tell." I encouraged.
"Ah man. I can't lose my Spirit Dragon I didn't even get to play it yet." He said removing it from his deck.
"You won't. I don't want your rare card. I just want your locater card. I don't like that aspect of the tournament. Losing one card will ruin a duelist's who strategy especially if a deck is focused around it."
"Thank you so much! I'm Mikey." He said handing me his locator card and shaking my other hand.
"I'm Rika nice to meet you." His eyes widened in recognition and I sighed.
"You're Rika Magruda! As in Tokyo's Regional Champion?"

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