Reunited...Or Not?

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Chapter 1: Reunited...Or Not

Over the next couple days, I treaded water cautiously. I didn't expect this at all and I can't risk getting close to these strangers just because they are my blood relatives. They left me on my own for 12 years. They don't know the hell I've been through. I wanted answers and I got some, just more than I was ready for I suppose. Should I trust them? Well...the jury is still out on that one. 

I will have to return to Tokyo soon but I'm not ready. I need more time. I still have so many questions. On my next visit to the Muto's I mention returning home and my grandfather made an interesting offer.

"Rika, I know you don't know us well but allow me to offer you the apartment over the Shop. You can stay there as long as you want that way. You can take time and learn about us and spend time getting the answers you seek."

"I don't want to be in the way." I countered.

"Rika don't worry. Yugi and I have the whole house to ourselves. You can easily take the apartment to stay in for a few more days. You could even stay for the Duel Monsters Tournament coming up. I think you would enjoy it given your interest in the game. Don't think I didn't see you eyeing up the cards the first day you came in." He chuckled.

"Are you sure you wouldn't mind?" I ask still hesitant. I don't want them to think I'm using them, but the arrangement would be perfect. I could check out of the hotel, saving more money and I would have my own space to prepare for Battle City.

"Absolutely. I insist. It's the least I can do, given the past." Grandpa asserted.

"Thank you."

I left the hotel that afternoon and moved into the humble apartment that was above the game shop. It was only a single bedroom, a bathroom, a small kitchen, and a small living room, which a utility closet was adjoining. It was just what I needed until after Battle City.

The next week I continued to learn more and more about my biological family as I spent more time with them. I still felt awkward around the Muto's but I could tell they mean well. I even started to notice some of their quirks. Yugi talks to himself, or Yami, I'm guessing his imagery friend or even an alter ego. Grandpa likes to have breakfast for dinner and has OCD about washing his hands. They both seem to be obsessed with Ancient Egypt and Duel Monsters more so than me. I know Yugi is the World Champion and all but still, he sits there and talks to his cards sometimes.

I also had the opportunity to meet some of Yugi's friends, Tea, Tristan, and Joey. Tea is a pretty brunette with light blue eyes. But she's too preppy for me and I don't exactly care about her speeches about the importance of friendship. I'm a loner and don't plan on changing that any time soon just because I met her. Then there was Tristan. He seemed okay but he didn't seem that intelligent based on his actions and comments. Joey Wheeler, however, will be a pain in my ass I can tell. He is obnoxious, and over eager to get to know me, and that Brooklyn accent I could really do without. Yugi was honestly the only one I could really stand in the group of teenagers. I'm sure the fact that their nearly two years younger than me doesn't help either.

The night of the tournament announcement, I was so preoccupied with avoiding Yugi and Wheeler I nearly missed the announcement by none other than Seto Kaiba himself. I have never met him in person but as he gave his speech from his helicopter I could only shake my head. His ego and attitude is too much. However, this tournament will be awesome.

I went to a Kaiba Corp registration booth the next day while Yugi was working the shop. I really want to keep my dueling status on the secret side. I don't need people creeping more so than they already are. I need to get my duel disk since the tournament starts in a few days. I walked in and a black haired boy sat at a computer, registering duelists. He looked vaguely familiar but to me many people resembled the little Mokie I once knew.

However, he didn't call me over. A tall man with black hair and sunglasses took my information.

"Rika Magruda, you're a 4 and a half star duelist so you officially qualify for the tournament. Here is your new duel disk, locator card, and Battle City rulebook. Good luck and duel strong."

I looked down at the white box as I was walking out. I'm really in this tournament. It will be nothing like the ones in Tokyo, I hope I can fare just as well.

As I exited, I saw a man about my age get out of a limo that had pulled up.

The tall figure had chestnut brown hair and I met his eyes. They were an amazing dark blue that I could never forget. I blinked several times to make sure I wasn't imaging things. It couldn't be him. It couldn't be Seto...

He looked at me as I stood there, his features reflecting recognition as well. I knew this man to be Seto Kaiba, host of the Battle City Tournament and CEO of Kaiba Corp. However, I had never been up close to the man in person...could Seto Kaiba be my Seto? I was scared to speak in error but my doubts were soon silenced. 

"Rika...?" He asked reserved and taking a step closer to me.

"Seto, is it really you?" I asked smiling. 

"How is this possible? After all these years, you reappear out of no where." He said touching my cheek.

"I thought I would never see you again." I said leaning into his hand. My cheek warmed at his touch and I relax at being reunited with him.

"Rika how? Why?"

"I went in search of my birth parents. It led me here to Domino. I thought my eyes had deceived me but it's really you!" I said hugging him. He tense and pulled away immediately.

"Rika were not kids anymore." His eyes went from warm to cold as ice while he was stepping away from me.

"What do mean?" I asked confused. He looked so happy to see me.

"Just that. Things happen. People change. Situations are different." He said bitterly and started walking away.

"I still have it you know..." I said softly.

"What?" He paused his steps. I had a feeling he knew exactly what I was referring to.

"The ring you gave me when we were at the orphanage." He said nothing and started walking into the tent.

"Seto..." I said falling to the ground.

The man I have been waiting 6 years for just walked away, tearing my heart out in the process. I realized I was sitting in the middle of a public sidewalk and stood up quickly only to see the last person I wanted to right now.

"Rika what's wrong?" Wheeler came up to me.

"It's nothing Joey. Go away." I said wiping the tears away.

"You're crying. What did Rich Boy do to ya? I saw you two talking. I'll gladly go give him a piece of my mind for upsetting..."

"Nothing Joey. I just want to go home." I said cutting him off. I then picked up my duel disk box and  started walking towards the game shop.


"Goodbye Joey."

As I stepped into my apartment, I checked my phone. No texts; not even a missed call from mom. Of course, when I need someone to randomly ramble on to distract me, they all disappear off the face of the earth. I curled up into a ball as I played with the ring on my necklace that has barely left my person over the past five years. 

As I fell asleep, I had the weirdest dream.


"My Lady, your brother wishes to see you in the throne room." A voice called from the door of my chamber. I looked next to me and saw Seto dressed in his priest robes. I felt a blush reach my cheeks as I noticed he was not wearing a shirt. Ra this man.

"Go, he cannot grow suspicious." He said kissing me softly before I turned to leave the room.

*End Dream*

I woke up and shook the dream away. This cannot be happening right now.

"No, he's not the Seto I knew 5 years ago. He is now cold hearted Seto Kaiba, billionaire and CEO of Kaiba Corp. Farthest thing possible from the boy I once knew and loved." I said punching the mattress. I take a deep breath. Sadly the kiss from my dream flashes to the front of my mind.

"It was just a dream." I sighed and try to go back to sleep.

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