Rika vs Joey

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Chapter 11:

Seto opened the door and Joey nearly fell forward with the lack of barrier. Joey's face was priceless as he was met with one of Seto's more intimidating glares.

"If it isn't Wheeler. You're lucky to even be in my tournament and yet you insist on making a nuisance of yourself over and over again." I chuckled at Seto's harsh words. Well, it's what he gets for interrupting us.

"THAT DID IT!" Joey battle cried, putting his fists up. I pushed off the wall, not wanting Seto to really hurt the idiot if he did throw a punch.

But luckily Tristan stepped in and pushed him back.

"This is no time to pick a fight, so calm down." Joey growled towards Seto but he backed away allowing Yugi to come forth.

"Kaiba you've got to help us." He pleaded.

"Now what?" He asked looking down at my brother.

"Bakura is really hurt. We have to land now. He needs to see a doctor right away!" Yugi continued.

"You're asking me to do the impossible. We cannot and will not make an unscheduled stop." Seto said sitting down in one of his chairs. I sat down on his bed away from the confrontation but still listening. Yugi sat across from him but seemed irate at his answer.

"Don't you understand? Bakura needs help."

"He's been unconscious since his duel." Tristan added calmly. Apparently out of the lot of them he was the only level headed one at the moment. Although, I will admit they have a point, Bakura will need medical attention. Surely Seto has a medical team here on the blimp incase of emergencies.

"If he gets any worse than he is now, it's on you Kaiba. You'll be responsible." Wheeler added.

"Actually, he won't. In the tournament contracts you all signed, including Bakura, you released Kaiba Corp of all legal and medical bindings should any 'unfortunate events' occur." I spoke up to defend Seto. Despite disagreeing with him, they can't point the finger at him or Kaiba Corp for this injury.

"Rika?! When did you get here? Better yet how do ya know what is in da tournament contracts?" Wheeler asked. Shit. Think fast Ri.

"She read over one for me to see if I needed to adjust them for the finals. And she is correct, so landing this blimp for mere exhaustion is not something I'm willing to do." Seto added saving me from explaining why I knew what their contracts said.

"Please Kaiba, this is really important. Show some compassion. Pretty Please!" Serenity added and I chuckled behind everyone. Mokie looked at me and rolled his eyes as well.

"How can you say no to that face?" Duke asked as Serenity batted her eyelashes at my boyfriend.

"The only face he can't say no to is yours Ri." I heard Mokie mumble beside me.

"He shouldn't have left the hospital in the first place. This is Bakura's own fault." Seto stated in a huff. He was more than aggravated at this point.

"Please Kaiba! Isn't someone's health more important than your silly game?"

Excuse me little girl? Silly game?

Then Duke, Joey, and Tristan wanted to try the force attempt and stood in front of Seto. Bad idea boys, he'll fight aggression with aggression.

"I've had enough of this attitude Kaiba. Find a way to land this blimp pronto or get ready to say hi to the business end of my fist." Joey said marching up to Seto.

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