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Chapter 6:

**Seto Kaiba**

"Go ahead and finish me. I can't attack Rika." I said closing my eyes. I still had my trap and magic card to defend myself, but I would not use them unless I had to. I had to think of some strategy to either break through this hypnosis Rika is under or to get rid of the dangers set before us.

"Kaiba don't give up!" Yugi shouted.

"I'm not giving up. I just won't attack." I explained, not that the runt even deserved a response.

"But I will! Fairy attack; destroy Seto Kaiba!" The bone chilling voice of Marik cut through our debate.

"No!!! I can't hurt him. I won't. I love him!" Rika fell to her knees, hands on her head.

Everyone gasped including myself. Even after five years apart and me pushing her away with coldness, she still loves me? Joey even was looking at her, his eyes flickering under Marik's influence. She had broken free. The clock was ticking lower and showed 10 minutes left.

"Rika attack me. Win the duel." I whispered.

"Seto..." She came over to me. She reached out a hand but soon dropped it, probably because of our first encounter.

"I have been a selfish jerk Rika. I can't let you take the fall because of me. Attack my life points and get away from here. I will always protect you. I will keep my promise."

"No." She stood straight and looked up at me, eyes gentle but holding a determination in them to save us both.

"I activate the magic card Duplicate Trap! It allows me to copy your trap and amplify its abilities for a price of 800 life points." My Ring of Destruction appeared on her side.

"If you don't activate your Ring of Defense, our life points will hit zero at the same time." She said looking at me. How did she know about my Ring of Defense? It was one of my newer cards that I have cycled into my deck. I'll ask her at a later time.

"Still witty as ever." I said smirking. She simply smiled and winked at me.

Our life points hit zero together and she grabbed my key and unshackled my ankle.

"Safe and Sound." She said smiling at me. I nodded. Relief filled my body. We had somehow found our way out of this mess. I fought my internal urges to pull her into my arms so no further harm could befall her. However, given our audience and our previous encounters I didn't want to give her the wrong impression.

"How sweet. I may barf." Marik commented after having regained control of Wheeler.

"You lost Marik. Give up!" Rika shouted towards Wheeler.

Wheeler eventually went through a similar breakthrough. However, they didn't have much time. Yugi and Joey still had a duel to finish and sadly, unless Yugi had something up his sleeve, a winner would have to be declared. I quietly ordered a helicopter to take out the crane over Tea to take that interference out and save the annoying cheerleader. At least that was one obstacle I could be rid of, if my plan works. Yugi and Joey discussed how they were going to get out of this mess. With Yugi's Mystical Refpanel, he has he power to control the result of this duel. This is a difficult decision.

"Seto, they're running out of time." My thoughts were broken as I looked down at the black haired beauty beside me.

"I have a plan, I just hope it's not too late." I whispered to her. She looked worried. It made sense; Yugi was her brother. I just hope he makes the right choice.

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