First Date

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Chapter 8:

Nerves, something I don't have too often given my distinction of being a regional champion in duel monsters. I've been on a national stage and felt less anxious than I do right now. I slowly pulled on the dress I picked out. The soft cotton went to my knees and was all black except for the thin red belt along my waist. I did some light makeup and straightened my hair. As I looked in the mirror, I smiled. Fancy but still me.

I walked down my stairs and glanced out the side window. One of Seto's cars was waiting just across the street. I did not want a limo to be discrete; that is also why I am meeting him there instead of him stopping to pick me up. I was dropped off at a small Italian restaurant and I walked in slowly.

The hostess greeted me with a fake smile.

"Hi, I'm meeting my friend."

"Are you Ms. Magrida?" Ugh, I hate when people mispronounce my name.

"Magruda and yes." I corrected her sharply.

"Follow me. Mr. Kaiba has been waiting." She huffed before starting into the restaurant.

"But I'm 10 minutes early!" I half whined while following her. Leave it to him to be this early.

In the back corner, Seto sat waiting. His eyes looked up from his PDA and a smile hinted at his lips as he stood.

"Ms. Magruda." He said as he pushed in my chair. He is such a gentleman.

"Why Mr. Kaiba, I must say, this is impressive." I said looking around the nice and private area he had arranged.

"I figured I'd start off conservative. I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable. My life can be very demanding and too much for those who are not accustomed to it." He was dressed in a dark blue button down shirt and black slacks. The top buttons were undone and he looked tired.

"I appreciate the thought." I said smiling.

"What can I get you two to drink?" The waiter came over and asked while handing us menus.

"I'll have water with lime." I replied.

"Plain ice water and we'll have your zucchini platter as an appetizer." Seto spoke without even opening the menu.

"Right away sir." He nodded.

"Do you come here often?"

"It's one of Mokie's favorite places in the city. He suggested I bring you here actually, but it was a good choice. I'll give the kid that." I chuckled. Mokie was definitely his anchor to staying human and keeping the Seto I knew around. I looked at the menu and cringed. There wasn't a thing under $30 that wasn't a basic salad or appetizer. But I knew money was no hindrance for Seto and he had no qualms about these prices. But it mad me weary of the kind of places he was a regular at when he was on business of a night to himself?

The waiter returned with our drinks and took our orders for food. I went with a personal Italian favorite of Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo and Seto chose Steak Gorgonzola.

"So, Seto, how's Kaiba Corp?" I asked trying to make some small talk.

"It's going well. Profits and sales are up due to the tournament. I actually have to return later to finish up some paper work but Mokuba insisted I take a break this afternoon." Again, thank Ra for Mokie.

"I'm glad he did; you look a little tired."

"It comes with being a CEO of such a large company, I suppose. Then with the added requirements of running and competing in the tournament, my stress and responsibilities have doubled. What about you, Rika, what's your story?" He said quickly diverting the conversation away from him. Typical Seto!

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