The Past

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Hey guys! I have been writing up a storm! I honestly could not get past that duel with Marik and now that I am the creative juices are flowing! (Or should I say gravy since this is a THANKSGIVING UPDATE!) I am so thankful for each of you: my wonderful readers! 

****This chapter may contain triggers and a sensitive topic, as Seto's past is discussed. That being said please read on with caution if this may bother you. 

Chapter 21:

**Dream **

It was bright and hot. That meant one thing: I was back in Egypt. Great. Let's see what this "vision" brings.

I was pulled through air and walls to see Princess Rina standing in the throne room, knelt before her brother, and soon I was pulled into her body.

"Rina, some rumors have come to my ears and I must say they shock me. But I cannot say I didn't see it coming." Atem stated calmly, but the accusation was laced in his words.

"What rumors my Pharaoh?" I asked fearfully.

"You are involved with my High Priest in ways you should not be, given...his position." How did he know? Someone must have seen us in the gardens or perhaps he saw him leave my chambers. Seto has not been very discrete these past weeks with his affections.

"Brother, I beg any punishment you have, bestow it on me, not Seto." I wanted to protect my lover no matter the consequences it held for me. I was of royal blood and he was not. I would have a lesser sentence than any he would bestow on Seto.

"So it is true then." He said with a slight smile now hinting at his lips.

"Atem, you are not mad?" I was honestly surprised. We had broken more than one royal court law.

"As I said before, I could see the signs even as discrete as you two thought you were being. Nonetheless, how could I be mad that my sister has found someone who I actually deem worthy of entering the royal family? There is none better than Seto, he loves you and will take care of you and the throne should something ever happen to me."

"Thank you, brother. Your blessing is all I could have imagined. I must find Seto!" I said bowing before him and then rushing off towards the Millennial Temple.


"Rika?" The voice was distant but it sounded like Seto; but why would he be here? I smiled at the nature of his voice. It wasn't cold as it had been most of the finals, now his voice was caring and warm. Perhaps I was going into another vision.

However, I wasn't welcomed by the sun and warmth of Egypt. It was cold...darkness...and then flames. The events of my duel with Marik started rushing back. Then the final thing I remembered was Seto's voice as I entered nothingness and eventually my vision. His normally confident and strong tone was fearful and desperate. What had changed?

I honestly didn't know what awaited me in the real world and I was enjoying this peaceful rest. But I knew I couldn't stay like this forever. So I took several grounding breaths and tried to pull myself towards Seto's voice.

I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted to the light around me. I saw a pair of bright blue eyes looking down at me. They held a worry I've only seen a couple of other times.

"Seto?" I asked weakly, my voice coarse and raw.

"Are you really awake this time?" He asked reaching down to touch my face but stopped and pulled back his hand.

"This time?" I asked.

"You were mumbling something about coming to find me." My maid heard you and came to find me for you apparently.

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