Duel Tower

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Chapter 16: Duel Tower 

(A/N We all love a Kaiba monologue about being the best and defeating Yugi right?)

***Seto Kaiba***

"Roland! Make an announcement that we are making our final descent onto the island. I don't want anyone late. If they're not ready when we land, they're disqualified." I snapped as we looked out towards the duel tower in the distance.

"Yes, sir." He nodded and went to the intercom to follow out on my order.

"Attention duelists, we are on course to arrive at Kaiba Corp Island within the hour. Duelists are required to be in the central lobby upon landing. We will be immediately starting the next round of the Battle City Finals!" I nodded at my employee satisfied.

Then, I looked down at my little brother. I was determined to win this tournament. I will not be weak; I will win for Mokuba and make the new face of Kaiba Corp fully known. Mokuba was in awe of the scene as we got closer. Now, he could see the new structure on the island that once was nothing but a source of destruction. He had been shielded from the old ways of Kaiba Corp, so this was a new experience for him and it will be a positive one.

"This is it, Mokuba. There are only four finalists left including myself. Before long I will be crowned the world's greatest duelist on top of my duel tower. Plus, I'll have the most powerful deck in duel monsters once I win the three Egyptian God cards. When I defeat Marik, I will gain his Winged Dragon of Ra, which seems to be the most powerful of the three. Then, I will gain Slifer the Sky Dragon when I wipe out Yugi. I already possess the Mighty Obelisk the Tormenter so my deck will be completely unstoppable. Only then will I be respected and feared by every duelist on Earth! It's only a matter of four duels now, then winner takes all. " I said smirking knowing my victory was only hours away.

"Seto, what if you have to face Rika?" He looked up concerned; Mokuba cared about Rika deeply any one could see that. My body stilled and the raw energy I just had was wiped away. I realized he did not know what transpired this morning between her and I. That Rika was just a weakness that will eventually bring me down. I will not let that happen. I will let nothing stand in my way of winning this tournament. Rika Magruda is no longer of any concern of mine. I will defeat her easily if I have to face her.

"The best duelist will win. I will defeat her just as I would Yugi and Marik. I will not be weak just because it is Rika." I answered coldly. We stood in silence for a time before Mokuba ran off to do whatever Roland tasked him with prior to landing.

When we finally began our landing procedures, I felt my determination return and I was energized, ready to take down the other three duelists left.

"Soon I will be crowned the greatest duelist of all time!" I said watching the dweebs and her walk out onto the island.


As Roland instructed and Mokie joyfully reminded me, I quickly made my way down to the main foyer of the craft and waited for our final landing. Yugi and his friends stood waiting for the door to open while Marik just kept staring at me from the far corner. We made eye contact and a chill went down my spine.

"Don't worry Princess, you're time is coming." He said in that menacing laugh. The dude had changed his appearance greatly since I last saw him. He looked downright manic and crazy. His hair now was spiked up in all different directions and his eyes seemed hollow but held an uncannily determination to them at the same time.

"I think you have it all wrong Marik. You may have fooled me once before but I will defeat you now and win this tournament."

"Foolish girl, you and Kaiba have no clue what you are up against." He shook his head with a smirk before going off to follow the others.

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