Duels in the Sky?

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Chapter 9:

A few days later, eight finalists had registered their locator cards so the finals would be starting tonight. I stood next to Seto and Mokuba after we entered Kaiba Corp Stadium via his chopper. I looked around and was slightly disappointed. It was in the end stages of construction but still had a lot of work to be done. It was not pristine nor up to Seto's perfection driven standards.

"Seto, we're not having the finals here are we?" I asked looking around. I saw too many blocked off areas and danger zones. I didn't think it would take place here but with Seto you never know.

"No, I have much more in store don't worry Ri. This tournament will be remembered for some time when we win." He said with a smirk. After we finished talking, Seto took a look around the arena and narrowed his eyes as we heard a faint laugh. I felt a chill run down my spine. It sounded familiar...as in Marik familiar.

"Seto..." I whimpered stepping closer to him. Mokie noticed my distress and flanked me as well.

"Turn on the lights! Illuminate the stadium, right now." He commanded his men. Roland grabbed his communicator and relayed the command. Soon the bright lights were shinning over every inch of the stadium.

"What is it Seto? Ri? What's wrong?" Mokie asked.

"We heard something. No one should enter the stadium without first reporting to me." He said as his eyes scanned through the stands looking for anything or anyone that shouldn't be there.

"Not to worry Mr. Kaiba, we will locate any and all trespassers." Seto didn't seem convinced but our attention was drawn to the entrance of the arena. There were several shadows approaching us.

"Someone else is arriving." Seto announced. I stepped back from him to prevent suspicion but remained close to Mokie.

"Hey look it's the next three finalist! Joey, Yugi, and Mai!" Mokie said as the figures started to come into the light. Sure enough, it was my brother and his makeshift group of friends. Although there were two I didn't recognize at all. The guy, he was tall and had longer black hair pulled up with bright green eyes. The girl, she kind of looked like Joey perhaps a relation? But she was much younger and shorter than any of them, with long brown hair and brown eyes.

Seto and I had earned our spots. So I guess it was their turn to claim their slots. I was thankful for the distraction but their comments about the condition of the stadium were unnecessary.

"Welcome, present your locater cards." Roland commanded once they reached us.

"Check it out, we have all six!" Joey said proudly flaunting his around. Roland then preceded to hand each finalist a card.

"Then, here are your tournament IDs. Congratulations, you three are officially Battle City Finalists! But remember, security is tight so make sure you have these will you at all times."

"Danks, now were is everyone else?" Joey asked as he swiped his card from the man.

"So far it is just the three of you that have arrived. We expect the others shortly." Roland answered.

The wind started to blow and we all turned to see someone else coming towards us.

"Here comes one now." Roland announced bluntly. I strained my eyes and put my hand on Mokie's shoulder as I got the same chill from earlier. Seto hummed and looked unsettled as well.

"Guys, I got a bad feeling about this." Yugi stated weakly. So I wasn't the only one that sensed the weird vibe in the air.

"Hey Yug, you dink it's dat evil creep Marik?" Joey asked.

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