Lightning Storm

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Chapter 13:

"This is a being like none you've seen before! My Mystical Serket is the Guardian of the Temple and ultimately protector of the Ark that holds the most powerful of the Gods of Egypt." I narrowed my eyes towards Seto's opponent.

"This creature will destroy each of your monsters and then absorb their strength as it does. So enjoy your final moves Mr. Kaiba, for this beast is nearly unstoppable."

"Ri, if Seto manages to summon one of his Blue Eyes would that be enough?" This overgrown arthropod had 2500 attack points and would become stronger with each monster it destroyed. Seto had some powerful cards but this duel proved difficult to summon them.

"If he had one on the field already yes, but since he only has his Vorse Raider in play I don't know Mokie. Seto will just have to find a way to stall long enough to summon his dragons or Obelisk to defeat this creature."

Seto did manage to special summon his Blue Eyes the next turn, however, it was only after the beast destroyed Vorse Raider and absorbed its attack strength making it stronger than his Blue Eyes. I ultimately cringed as Marik's Serket managed to destroy Seto's beloved Dragon and grow even stronger. How will he pull this one-off? Now he won't be able to summon enough monsters to summon Obelisk, who is his only chance at this point.

Seto now stood open for attack and with a single blow from this creature, it would be over. Seto would lose to this wanna-be. Mokie looked up at me worried and I simply let my hand squeeze his shoulder comfortingly waiting for the inevitable end of my boyfriend's run in the tournament.

However, 'Marik' paused, he didn't call his monster to attack. His eyes met the real Marik's for a long minute before nodding.

"Alright Mr. Kaiba, you have said time and time again you want to see the third God card, but only in greed for its power. Now, I will summon my mighty beast to prove once and for that, I, Marik, will be the next Pharaoh!"

Mokie started to tremble and I honestly stood slightly in front of him protectively since I didn't know what it would be like with the God once played.

"Ri, I'm worried about Seto."

"I am too Mokie, but it's your brother if there is any way to get out of it he will find it."

"In order to release my Egyptian God Monster from the Ark, I must first sacrifice my mystical beast. Once my guardian is no more it will pave the way for the most powerful creature to ever walk the Earth!"

"Be careful Kaiba!" I heard Yugi shout from afar. I nodded in agreement.

Suddenly 'Marik' raised his Millennium Rod and started some greeting as the Ark within his temple started to glow. Soon the sky clouded up and a green beam shot from the temple into the growing clouds. Lightning, thunder, and wind soon followed the changing atmosphere. I pulled Mokie flush against me and took a couple of steps closer to the elevator for what little shelter it offered. Soon the golden dragon appeared and the air became static.

"Feel the fire and power of my mighty Winged Dragon of Ra! Behold the strongest of all the Egyptian God Cards! Brace yourself Mr. Kaiba for when my dragon attacks you will lose the rest of your life points and be done in this tournament!" 'Marik' chuckled as the monster continued to grow in the sky.

"What are you waiting for you freak? If you're going to attack do so, do not waste any more of my time." I couldn't believe the resolve Seto had facing down such a powerful monster.

"Winged Dragon of Ra! Attack his life points directly!"

Something wasn't right. My stomach was in knots as the beast prepared for an attack. Seto kept a straight face but I could now see some fear in his eyes. As he called out his order a second time, I felt an electric shock hit my body, and I felt unnaturally cold and uneasy.

"He's angered the Gods." It was as if my voice was speaking what my mind already knew but didn't want to believe.

"Ri?" Mokie stepped back and looked at me.

"It's not attacking." I stated flatly. The weather around us seemed to pick up to the point where I had Mokie right against the elevator door shielding him from the conditions.

"Obey me My Dragon!"

"What's up wit dis storm? Either dis is the best duel monster hologram ever or we better take cover!" I heard Joey's comments and I agreed about the needing cover aspect. It was more than dangerous to be in the sky during a lightning storm.

Lightening started to get closer to the blimp and eventually started hitting the raised platform.

"Seto!" Mokie called out trying to get out from behind me.

"Mokie, no, stay back! It's not safe." I looked up to see 'Marik' be struck by lightning then another strike hit right in front of us. I jumped back, closed my eyes, and covered my now ringing ears. I nearly fell into Mokie as my balance was tested by the trauma to my eardrums. I managed to steady myself against the wall.

"Rika!" I managed to open my eyes to make out the form my brother kneeling down in front of me. Everything was green and purple in color and blurry...very blurry.

"Kaiba call the duel! It's too dangerous!" It sounded as if Yugi was miles away not right in front of me.

A few moments later, I felt lightheaded and let my eyes fall closed. God cards, lightening, and dueling were all forgotten as darkness took over.


It was hot but a dry heat not the humid summers of Japan. I looked up and the sky was now crystal blue and the sun beating down. I looked down and I had good bangles around my wrists and an unfamiliar dress on. I was in some form of gardens when I felt a familiar pair of arms encircle me. Seto, I'd know his embrace anywhere. However, it was different, stronger.

"Hello, Beautiful." He whispered. I turned to face him. He was in some kind of costume and it looked like one of the old fashion Egyptian getups. His skin was a very dark tan in contrast to the pale white I know and love.

"High Priest, we are in the open. You cannot do such things." I said pulling away. The words come out on their own accord.

"I do not care if your brother knows; if the millennium court knows. I love you so, Rina." Rina? Who the hell is Rina?

"Do not say such things, Set. He will throw you to the dungeon for treason to the court, to your vows." I put a hand to his chest.

"I would leave his court, my priesthood in a moment if it meant I have you by my side as my wife." He said leaning down and kissing my neck.

"Let's continue this in my chambers..." I said pulling him into a hallway off the gardens. 

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