Deadly Duel

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Chapter 5: A Deadly Duel

**Seto Kaiba**

"Don't mind if I do." She nearly hissed. This is not Rika. Her voice isn't the soft alto I have come to know and cherish. Her bright violet eyes are blank instead of full of emotion and animation. I have tried so hard to push her away to keep her safe from my world but instead Marik is using her against me.

My first question is how does that freak know about my past with Rika? Only the three of us know, perhaps that old fool of an orphanage owner but she would never say a word. I will find a way around this trick of his and save her. I can't lose her to this maniac.

"I'll start things off with Princess of Light in defense mode." She called out. A bright light appeared in front of us as a beautiful girl in a silver dress holding a crystal staff appeared.

"I'll put two cards face down and end my turn." She said smirking.

I have to be careful I don't know what cards Marik added to her already powerful light deck. After seeing her at near registration, I was shocked to find out she was a top duelist in Tokyo. Her rarest and most powerful card is her Bright Shining Fairy (3200/2600); that alone is not something to take lightly. I'm glad I got to observe her dueling the other day otherwise I'd be going in completely blind. She has a fairly good balance of magic and trap cards but her monsters have lots of special abilities.

"Fine, I summon X-Head Cannon in defense mode and place one card face down." I said looking down at a promising open draw. As much as I wanted to win, I had to stall until I figured out how to stop this ridiculous duel.

"My turn then." She drew and a malicious smile came across her face.

"This duel will be very short Kaiba. I play the card Time Limit!" My eyes widened as I realized I could be in deep shit if she plays it successfully.

"What does that do Seto?" Mokuba asked.

"That card is illegal in this tournament." I yelled; her duel disk shouldn't even recognize it. But, she placed it in a slot and it activated. This could be bad. Yugi had stopped to look at me. An additional counter appeared above our duel with a big number 4 flashing.

"Then you very well that you have as many turns left as you have cards in your hand which is 4." she laughed. I have to do something.

"I also play Flash Hawk in defense mode to end my turn."

Why isn't she doing anything on the offense? She's waiting for something. But what? I remembered her using Flash Hawk before. That's how she...

"I'll summon both my Y Dragon Head and Z Metal Tank. But I'm not done. Then, I'll activate their special ability to create XYZ-Dragon Cannon! Finally, I'll place one more card face down." I looked at Rika and she didn't even look phased. Oh boy...

"Three turns Kaiba. But then again, you won't be around that long. I sacrifice my Flash Hawk, which acts as two tributes, to summon Bright Shining Fairy! Attack his Dragon Cannon!" My life points dropped to 3700. But I just grinned.

"Foolish move because I just won the duel. Activate Magic Card: Stop Defense which brings your Princess into Attack Mode. Next I'll activate my Trap Card: Ring of Destruct..."

"Seto? ...What's going on?" I paused, not hitting the button. It was her voice.

"Rika? Is that really you?" I looked up and saw life in her eyes. She looked scared, an emotion, Rika hardly showed in the open. No. He's just playing me. This is all part of his stupid game. Well guess what Marik? You won't fool me.

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