Battle City Rages On

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Chapter 3: Battle City Rages 

The next morning as I woke up, I decided to actually go to Battle City with Yugi and his friends. be honest, I mainly wanted to see Yugi in action. I heard all about Duelist Kingdom and his unexpected defeat of Seto, but up until then he was practically a nobody in the dueling community. So my curiosity and scouting would be worth the day of annoyance ahead hopefully.

I got dressed in dark skinny jeans and a dark purple shirt. I zipped my knee-high boots on and paused to look at the necklace sitting on my bedside table. I ran my fingers over the ring that slid along the chain. After a short internal debate, I clasped the necklace around my neck, letting the cool metal rest against my chest.

I left my duel disk sit on my table but made sure my deck was in my small purse. I never went anywhere with out it. However, I didn't want to draw any unneeded attention wearing the dueling system. Why bother when I already have four locator cards? The tournament preliminaries are all week. It won't take me long to get my last two. I could use the day to scope out my remaining competition as well as Wheeler's acclaimed skills.

After waiting for Tea and Tristan at the game shop, we were on our way to Battle City. We finally entered Domino Square about ten o'clock and most duelists had already dispersed throughout the city. The crowds had already thinned out tremendously compared to yesterdays. I alone eliminated a total of three duelists and with them went their friends and families that could have been supporting them.

"It sucks you didn't get to see us duel yesterday Ri. But I'm sure you won't be disappointed today!" Joey said acting confident.

"Yeah, I ran into some old friends and just lost track of time." I responded. It wasn't a lie. Running into the Kaiba brothers was an unforeseen occurrence.

"Well, I only have two locator cards so I really need to get busy today if I want to qualify for the finals!" I'd say. I earned three in one day and I'm sure Seto has that or more by now by the way Mokie talks.

"Hey Mai!" I heard him yell while I was in thought. I looked up to see a blonde woman maybe a year or two older than me. She was in all purple and had a duel disk.

"Joey Wheeler, you were supposed to meet me 15 minutes ago." She said in a slight attitude.

"Sorry Mai we had to wait for Rika and Tea." Thanks Joey, just throw me under the bus.

"Rika?" She asked looking at me.

"I'm Yugi's older sister, long story."

"I see. Well, no time for chat. We have locator cards to win. I only need two more." She said proudly holding up four of her own.

"I only have two Mai wow!" Joey said impressed.

"I have three." Yugi said softly. I figured Yugi would be qualified by now as good as he is.

"Well then, we all have some work to do. How about we get going?" Joey said.

Yugi and Joey went one way leaving me standing there with Mai.

"So you're Yugi's older sister. I see the family resemblance." She said chucking at the end.

"I've been told." I mumbled bluntly while rolling my eyes.

"You duel?" She asked

"Yes." I snapped lowly.

"Are you in the tournament?" She asked raising an eyebrow. I could tell she was looking for signs of a possible opponent.

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