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Chapter 26: Pegasus

I walked into school and was shocked to not see Yugi or his friends anywhere in sight. A pleasant surprise but strange. I got out my phone to message my brother out of curiosity.
'Where r u? Don't cut 2 days in a row.'
'Going to California. Long Story. Will call u when I can.'
"Great, so Seto's company is in trouble, my brother and his friends are on their way to Cali, and I'm stuck here going thru classes as if nothing has changed." I grumbled to myself; I feel so useless. As I opened my locker, a small box fell out. I picked it up quickly.
"Probably from Seto." I whispered smiling; he must have left it here before the chaos started. Not that I'm materialistic, but Seto had a habit of leaving me small gifts from time to time. I opened the box and a small silver chain lay inside with a pendant that held a small green stone. It wasn't an emerald; it was too pale.

-Power comes from within Princess- It was written on the inside of the lid in a fine script that was not Seto's handwriting. Seto always just left a blue heart as his signature, in case someone found it. This was not from him. I tucked the necklace into my bag and would ask him about it later.

As the day went on, I found out that as annoying as Yugi's friends were, they had somehow become my daily entertainment during certain classes. So, I was beyond relieved when the final bell sounded and I was done for the day.
"Time to go make sure Seto hasn't pulled his hair out."

I was walking along the sidewalk when I bumped into someone. I looked up and a man maybe only a year or two older stood gazing down at me. He had pale blue-green hair and his eyes were two different colors. One was a soft topaz, the other green matching his hair maybe slightly darker; an odd appearing fellow all around but there was a strange allure to him. However, a car's horn broke my thoughts and I knew it was time to keep moving.
"I'm sorry. I should have been paying better attention. I just have a lot on my mind." I muttered trying to step around him.
"No such beauty could ever be at fault. It was my distraction, so it is I who should be apologizing." Well, that's an accent I haven't heard before, he held up a hand.
"Okay, yea, fine, but I need to be going." I said pushing past him.
"Wait; perhaps I could make it up to you over coffee? We could discuss that lovely necklace you're wearing, that was what really caught my attention. Your beauty just kept it." My hand subconsciously went to the ring sitting on the chain around my neck.
"My boyfriend actually gave it to me. So I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate you continuing to hit on me."
"I only speak the truth Miss..." He was obviously trying to get my name but that wasn't happening. The vibes I'm getting were approaching level 10 on the freaky scale the longer I'm near him.
"Goodbye." I said putting as much space between the creep and me as I could. I still don't know what just happened honestly. I was beyond relieved to be walking up to the glass doors of Kaiba Corp. Roland, still keeping guard at the entrance, gladly opened the door for me today.

"Miss Magruda." He nodded and I smiled at the head of security and operations. I entered the elevator and hit the top floor then saw his secretary typing away.
"Mr. Mokuba just went in so I don't see a problem with you going in quietly."
I knocked softly but there was no direct answer. I opened the door to see Seto and Mokie both looking down at his screen.

"If these numbers are correct, half of Kaiba Corp was just bought by one person and they're still buying. We have to stop them before they buy any more shares, they could take control of the whole company! There's no way I'm going to allow that." Seto looked distraught, more so than yesterday and Mokie looked scared. This wasn't good.

"Wait, there's only one person who is capable of something like this." I felt bad listening to this conversation but I did knock. I closed the door behind me as the telephone rang. Seto grunted before answering.

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