Facing Marik (Pt.2)

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Anyway, I found this amazing character on Deviant Art and edited her a little bit to look almost exactly how I originally pictured Rika. All credit for the image goes to her! Please check out Miyuki's works! She's amazing and has a lot of pics of this character and Seto! 

Chapter 19:

"Impressive, it seems you have indeed followed in your past life's steps. The Majestic Dragon was one of her trusted monsters when she would compete in the court's shadow games. But no worries, I have more powerful beasts in my deck. I draw." Marik announced as he drew his card, then chuckled.

"You've had your fun but, now, it's time for me to change the tides of this duel. With my Tribute Burial magic card, I can now bring one monster back from each of our graveyards. Then I can sacrifice them to summon an even stronger creature to drain even more of your strength!" I narrowed my eyes at him as my fairy, and his monster came to his side of the field to then disappear.

"I bring forth my mighty Helpoemer! I promise you, princess; he is more than he appears to be!" I knew by his words what this creature didn't have in attack points; it made up for some special ability. He did nothing else besides placing a face-down card before ending his turn.

"What are you up to, Marik?"

"Attack me and see Princess." He was baiting me. I wouldn't risk my precious dragon, so I decided I'd summon another monster and attack with that in case he does have something in wait for me.

"I summon my Spirit of Life in attack mode!" Before I could continue, Marik revealed his trap.

"Foolish girl, by summoning a monster in attack mode, you've activated my Hidden Soldiers trap. This allows me to summon any monster with 4 stars or less! Meet my plasma eel! I'll activate its special ability, Plasma Grip!" I saw the small warm fly across the field towards my beautiful dragon and wrapped its body around her wings and torso.

"Now, for the fun part, when it attaches itself to a monster, it is weakened, losing 500 attack points. As for our shadow game, you know the rules. Whatever happens to your monster happens to you." I didn't believe him until once again, I felt a sharp pain in my chest, crippling enough to bring me to my knees. I growled, waiting for the pain to let up, and when it finally did, I felt drained. I shook my head. No, this is all some kind of trick like he did at the docks. This isn't real pain or exhaustion.

"Are you beginning to regret wanting to duel me, princess? Perhaps you should have fought your brother or the priest instead. It would have been less painful." I focused on my breathing and slowly stood.

"This duel is far from over. Your eel might have weakened my great dragon, but it is still much stronger than your pathetic monster! My majestic dragon, destroy his Helpomer!" I smiled as the creature disappeared, but before I could attack his life points, he started laughing maniacally as he usually does when he has a trap.

"Oh dear princess, you have triggered one of the most crippling special effects in my deck. I have a present for you." He threw me the card before putting it in his graveyard. I caught and narrowed my eyes.

"Put my Helpomer in your graveyard and just wait and see what it has in store for you!" I did as he commanded, and smoke started to emit from my duel disk.

"What the hell!" The smoke soon took the form of a hand and snatched my Light Sorcerer from my hand, and pulled it into my graveyard.

"As you see, as long as my Helpomer is in your graveyard, it will take one random card from your hand each turn." I narrowed my eyes. However, he didn't summon an additional monster to protect his life points on his turn, which confused me. It was going to force me to trigger one of his traps.

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