A New Evil

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Chapter 25: A New Evil

In front of us were numerous duel monsters flying through the city, climbing up buildings, and chasing people down the streets. They looked real.

"They're duel monsters" Tea whispered.

"But how?" I mumbled more to myself than anyone.

"Someone's duel disk musta gone haywire." Tristan spoke up.

"No, it would take more than a couple of duel disks to project holograms all over the city like this. There has to be more to it." Yugi corrected him. I agreed.

"Only one way to find out, go right to da source. Let's go pay Kaiba a visit." Joey snapped. Seto hadn't mentioned any new projects of this magnitude. So, I doubt Kaiba Corp had anything to do with this unless he was hacked.

We made our way through the city, avoiding the monsters the best we can. I actually ran ahead of the others, knowing I had a better chance of reaching Seto than them. I reached Kaiba Corp and reporters and news crews flocked the entrance.

"Mr. Kaiba can assure you that the monster sightings have nothing to do with the Kaiba Corporation. We have no further comment at this time. " There was no pause after his statement but they kept on going with questions and blasting accusations at him. He saw me and waved for security to let me through the barricade.

"Roland, what's going on?" I asked as I reached his side.

"Sorry, Ms. Magruda. Mr. Kaiba said admit no one that is not an employee. As much as I know you could help in ways others couldn't, I think it best you sit back on this one."

"I see. Do you have any idea what actually is the cause of this?" I asked once we were away from the microphones.

"Mr. Kaiba is looking into all possibilities, but there appears to be no link with our equipment or technology."

"Okay, well let me know if I can do anything to help." He nodded and motioned for security to walk me back out through the crowd.

"Sorry guys. He's not letting anyone in, even me. " I said as I saw Yugi and company standing back at the street.

"There's no use standing around let's go home." I said motioning to get the hell out of this place. We all but ran home to get away from the city limits and into the suburbs.

"Rika, come in with us until we hear something; I'm sure Grandpa would feel better if you came in as well." I rolled my eyes but knew he was right, it wasn't the best idea to be alone right now.

"I'm not staying long." I looked down at my phone as I saw a message flash across my screen from Seto.

Stay safe. I will figure out what is happening. I kept a stoic face not wanting to draw attention to the message.

Grandpa made dinner for the present group then went back into the shop, so we all gathered around the TV to see what the news would show. A report started about the monster sighting and then Seto's press conference came on.

"After extensive testing of Kaiba Corp equipment and technology, I can confidently say, the Kaiba Corporation has nothing to do with these sightings. Our systems are working as up to standards and no faults have been found on any registered models worldwide." Good. I knew it was too real to be holograms, even if I don't believe in the ancient Egyptian crap. However, Seto looked beyond stressed and I worried for his well-being if the spotlight remained on him.

"He's covering for something. Who else has equipment that could project monsters all over the world?" Tristan started.

"Watch it Tristan." I mumbled.

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