Facing Marik (Pt.1)

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We came up through the ceiling to reveal an open area that sat atop it all. It was an outdoor arena much like what was on top of the blimp for the first round of the finals. Kaiba once again, spared no expense to make this duel tower perfect down to the smallest details.

"Marik Ishtar and Rika Magruda will face off in ten minutes." Roland announced as Yugi and Seto were now entering the new area. I looked over at Marik.

"I'm going to enjoy defeating you and taking your God card for my own." I yelled over at Marik who was at the opposite end. I then looked around and was wondering where Mokie and the other dweebs were. Kaiba stood off to my right but was glaring at Yugi and Marik as they took their places.

"Rika, a quick word." Yugi, or rather his alter ego, came over next to me.

"What is it Yugi?" I asked raising an eyebrow, annoyed he'd bother me right before a duel.

"This is going to be the most difficult duel you will ever face. It will be more dangerous than you realize. I need you to promise you will be careful and mindful of the game around you."

"Marik stands no chance against my newest strategies. I plan on a quick and efficient defeat to avenge myself and your friends." I encouraged him, confident that I will win this duel despite all the odds against me.

"Make this quick and painless Rika; I want to face Yugi as soon as possible." Kaiba interrupted our discussion. I nodded to his request.

"I'll be quick as I can; Marik will lose. But I do it for myself, not for you, Rich Boy." I clarified but smirked as I used Joey's nickname for him, knowing it pissed him off.

"Who said I thought you would be the one winning?" He snapped back, crossing his arms.

"Kaiba..." I nearly growled at his insult.

"I'm the only one to date who has faced the Winged Dragon of Ra in any capacity, even if it was just a fake. Accept it Ri, you stand no chance if he summons his true God card. Ra is the strongest of the three." He continued egotistically.

"Kaiba and Rika, you both need to remember the Winged Dragon has many special abilities and secrets we don't know yet." Yugi stepped between us sensing the growing tension.

"Wrong as usual Yugi, I've uncovered the secrets of Ra." Kaiba proclaimed. My heart stopped. How did he have time when we were together last night?

"What? How Seto?" I asked stunned. I internally cringed knowing I used his given name by habit.

"While you geeks were all asleep, my computer was translating all the Egyptian encryptions on the card that no one else could. Now, I can watch Rika's duel and know if my strategies will work or not. That way, I'll be ready to take it down no matter who I face. After I defeat Yugi of course."

"Kaiba, you may think you have the rest of this tournament figured out. However, in order for your grand scheme to work, you first have to get past me." Yugi said with a confident smirk of his own. Go, little brother. I hope he does kick Kaiba's ass. Then it will be brother versus sister for the final duel.

"Ha." Kaiba simply huffed at his comment and started to strut away.

"He's walking away because he knows that it's true. He has been trying for over a year and has not defeated Yugi. It's haunted him; that's why he's so determined." I called out after him.

"We'll see how the cards fall Yugi. Our duel is next. But first, I believe Rika, you have a duel of your own to worry about." He said returning to his designated platform.

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