Yugi vs Bakura

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Chapter 10:

About an hour later we reported to the main room for the first round picks. Seto had quite the buffet of food set out for everyone to enjoy before the duels officially began. I took only a small plate for the time being. I couldn't risk getting sick prior to starting.

I stood next to Mokie and Seto along the wall as I closely examined the six other duelists. I was vaguely familiar with each of their dueling styles except for Marik and his pawn. I had no clue as to what type of cards they held in their decks because they've only dueled through others. On the other hand, I have studied Yugi's cards extensively over the time I've been here but I fear his Egyptian God and his future use of it. Joey was no threat and honestly Mai wasn't either. Bakura was odd and I still had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something was off about him and I could not figure it out.

I was torn from my thoughts as Joey asked Seto what was taking so long. Ugh, stuff your face like the dog you are and leave him alone. When it's time he'll tell you.

"You're in quite a rush to lose Wheeler." Seto taunted but reached up to his communicator and gave the command to start.

The lights dimmed and on the small stage stood Roland and a large machine that looked like an American Bingo Number Generator. However, in typical Kaiba style it had a Blue Eyes theme.

He went on to explain the simple process of drawing each pair just before the duels to ensure fairness. It was actually a good idea. We won't have time to adjust cards or strategies. You have to adapt and think on your feet depending on the opponent, another appropriate challenge.

Roland hit a button on the extensive machine and up two balls fell into the selection queue. Seto smirked obviously knowing each number.

"Number 6 Ryou Bakura and Number 3 Yugi Muto." I raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"That's an interesting match up, not one I foreseen watching. I know next-to-nothing about this Bakura kid." I mumbled and Seto just hummed obviously lost in his own thoughts.

"Duelists please head towards the platform. The arena is located on the upper deck." I followed behind Seto and Mokuba was beside me.

"Ri, welcome to the Stratos Duelist Arena." Mokie said as we got off the elevator. My eyes widened as I took in the sight in front of me.

"Are we literally dueling in the open air on top of your blimp Seto?" I asked nervously. Heights are not my favorite and to fall well...Seto said it himself: It's a long way down.

"Yes." He said bluntly before walking into an observation platform that was just below the dueling field. I went to follow suit but the Gods had other plans for me.

"Rika, where'd ya disappear to when we got on?" Wheeler asked coming up to my side.

"None of your concern Wheeler." I barked.

"Geez, you've been around Kaiba for too long. What's up with you two anyways?"

"Seto and Rika are d..." Mokuba started to speak but I put my hand over his mouth to intervene.

"Mokie, the adults ate talking." I said smiling at him but a threat present in my eyes.

"But Rika..."

"Not right now Mokuba!" I almost snapped.

"Man Rika, it's like I don't know ya at all." Joey mumbled.

"You don't. So don't pretend you do." Joey just looked at me.

"Whatever, I'm here to watch Yugi kick some butt right now!" He smiled looking towards his friend as Yugi entered the ring. I would love to cream him. I hope Seto will fix it to let me face him.

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