Seto's Birthday

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Hello everyone! I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and are gearing up (safely) for Christmas! This is a total fluff chapter but was one of my favorites to write so far! So please enjoy! 

Chapter 23: 

Two Months Later 

My shift at the game shop ended just a few minutes ago, and I was about to head up to the apartment to get things ready for dinner when I realized I still hadn't heard from my boyfriend this afternoon. Seto had to skip our lunch date to handle "important things" at work, which was normal on the weekend. But today, of all days, he is not spending his entire day locked up in his office. 

I walked into the tallest building in the city with determination on my face. The front receptionist didn't even question my business anymore. Even though we haven't made our relationship public knowledge, people know we're friends or at least have their own ideas. I ascended to the top floor, where only Seto's office and personal lab were located.

"Good Afternoon, Ms. Magruda. Mr. Kaiba is in the middle of a business call, but he should be finishing up shortly if you're willing to wait." Brenda welcomed me and motioned to my usual waiting chair.

"I have a few minutes. Thank you." I said, walking over to the small waiting area that sat outside of the CEO's office. I looked through the magazines that sat organized on a small table. Ten minutes passed, and I noticed Brenda talking on her phone.

"Ms. Magruda, Mr. Kaiba is finished with his call if you would like to go in." She offered. I smiled and thanked her as I passed. I walked into Seto's office and sat on the side of his desk.

"How was your day Seto?" He glanced up from his laptop, his hard features softening ever so slightly.

"Hello, Beautiful." He greeted me, closing the program on his computer and giving me his full attention. He knows better by now. Especially after I almost broke his fingers a few weeks ago when I slammed it shut when he was ignoring me.

"Quit avoiding my question."

"Business calls, paperwork, and dealing with the idiots I call employees. Nothing abnormal, why?"

"You do realize what today's date is, right?" He glanced down at the calendar on his desk.

"October 25th, your point is?" He didn't seem to acknowledge the significance of the day.

"Seto, today is your Birthday!" I wanted to yell but restrained myself to an exasperated huff.

"My company doesn't stop because it's my birthday." He said flatly.

"No, but it's almost 6:30 on a Sunday evening. You're coming with me right now, so get your jacket!" I said, trying to pull him up from his chair, but he didn't budge. Not that it was surprising, his almost six feet height and muscular build to my five-foot-five average female teenager. 

"You can't tell me what to do." He crossed his arms, smirking. He was stubborn and playful at the same time.

"I can and will or no kisses for you." He obviously didn't believe me and raised an eyebrow.

"Is that so?" He turned my previous effort against me and pulled me into his lap.

"Nope, nothing from me." I said, turning away from him.

"But Rika, it's my birthday. I believe the tradition is one for each year." He said cheekily.

"Oh, so now you're acknowledging your birthday."

"If it will get me an evening with my girlfriend, then I suppose I will." I looked at him with a smile. I gave him a light kiss before standing.

"Then come on." I said waiting for him to stand. He nodded and saved his work on his laptop before putting it in his briefcase and getting his coat.

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