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Chapter 27:

"So what's your deal with Pegasus? I mean beyond the obvious business and dueling side of things? You seem more upset than I've seen you for a while, this is different." I asked once we were out over the water.
"After everything with my stepfather, I filed for emancipation and then sole custody of Mokuba. About six months later, he kidnapped my brother and started the millennium item mumbo-jumbo that inspired the Duelist Kingdom tournament." His voice was sharp and I noticed his grip tightened on the controls.

"Then why isn't he in prison? That's a crime no matter the circumstances."

"He played mind games and defeated me by cheating. Your brother got to play hero and my reputation was shot having lost to Pegasus and Yugi both. Then when I did come back to Domino, the Big 5 tried to take advantage of my moment of weakness and attempted to overthrow me to take Kaiba Corp. If I had pressed charges, I could've lost Mokuba. I had no stability and had essentially failed as his guardian. That madman nearly single-handedly took everything away from me I cared about." His anger was now radiating off him. There were two things of Seto Kaiba's you do not touch, his company, but more than anything, Mokuba. Pegasus had threatened his brother, then someone else attempted to take over his company while he was vulnerable. I now understood his hesitation to deal with this man and his palpable hatred.

I didn't say anything for some time, letting him calm some before asking another pressing question on my mind.

"Seto, all things considered, why would he want to duel you again? He was defeated by Yugi and put in his place. The dueling community really hasn't heard much from him since the Duelist Kingdom fiasco; not even a peep during Battle City."
"He claims it's for positive publicity because of the monster sightings but he always has ulterior motives. There is some hidden agenda to bringing me back to Duelist Kingdom." He said flatly, but there was still an edge to his voice.
"Well, remember you have something you didn't have last time."
"What is that?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"Me," I said turning my head to kiss him briefly.
"Geez, you two. Seriously, get a room!" Mokie called from behind. I honestly forgot about poor Mokie in the back seat. Seto relaxed slightly, but I could tell his mood was still sour, as it should be.
"Always an advantage to have another top duelist nearby however, I don't want you or Mokuba anywhere near that freak when we land." He said very sternly. I nodded just to appease him. There's no way I'm letting Seto face this creep alone.

"Approaching Duelist Kingdom" Mokie announced after about half an hour. It wasn't a long flight, but I'm sure Seto's aircraft had most jets beat in most aspects including speed.

"I'll try to make this quick. The less time we spend here the better." Seto said as we started our descent toward the isolated island.

"This place has nothing but bad memories." Mokie mumbled. I could hear the tone of Mokie's remark, sadness mixed with fear.

"Prepare for landing." Seto continued hitting a few switches as a giant castle came into focus. As the jet touched land and the cockpit opened, I gladly jumped out and onto the solid ground. It was not a bad flight but still not a fan of flying as a whole.

"I'm sure his majesty is somewhere in that castle." Seto said landing behind me.

"This place is deserted. There's no way anyone lives here." I said looking around. The metal doors in front of us opened ominously as we approached.
"Maybe his staff is on vacation." Mokie added his theory.
"Fewer people to get in my way; now let's find this lunatic so we can leave." Seto said stepping into the mostly dark castle. We walked through the eerie halls and I stood very close to Seto. This place could give an American haunted house a run for its money. Cobwebs lined the halls, lights were out or flickering. It was obvious no one has been here to keep up with things. We stepped to an edge and I almost went head-first into a dark drop. Seto grabbed my hand quickly and pulled me back into his chest.
"Damn, that was close." I said under my breath.
"Not cool, we could have fallen 200 feet." Mokie said, he now was clinging to Seto, trembling.
"Pegasus!" Seto yelled. Silence.

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