Friend or Foe?

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Chapter 4: Friend or Foe?

**Mokuba Kaiba**

Once I escaped the hold of those Rare Hunter creeps I made a run for the nearest crowd of people. I found a couple of duelists and finally managed to contact Roland with my communicator. He said that Seto and Yugi's duel disks were registering a double duel between them and two Rare Hunters. I had Roland bring a chopper to pick me up then take me to their location. We arrived just as they had defeated them.

"Mokuba, he escaped!" Seto said coming close, Yugi close in tail.

"Are you alright?" He continued.

"I'm fine but I had to leave Tea and Rika behind. We got to go back and save them."

"Are Tea and Rika okay? What about Joey and Tristan?" Yugi asked.

"They took Rika into a different room and then threw me in a room with Tea. Tea seemed okay up until she helped me escape. Rika...I'm not so sure. They were taking her to Marik." I said sadly.

"Get in the Chopper, Yugi. It sounds like your friend Tea saved Mokuba's life. As much as I hate getting involved, I hate owning some one a favor more. " Seto barked.

Seto touched his intercom in his KC pin.

"Get me the position on Rika Magruda's Duel Disk NOW!" Seto snapped.

"Sir, sending you the coordinates." A voice responded moments later.

"Seto, she didn't have it with her today remember? But they were keeping us in the warehouse district by the piers. I'm picking up a weak signal from Joey's duel disk there as well." I whispered looking down at the small lap top that sat in my lap.

"Follow the coordinates for Joey Wheeler's Duel Disk instead."

"Yes of course Mr. Kaiba, we will be there in approximately 14 minutes sir." Roland spoke.

"Kaiba I know you don't care but I may need your help to save my friends." Yugi pleaded.

"I'm going to make sure Rika's fine then I'm out of here. I have more important things to do like figure out where the last Egyptian God Card is." Seto said acting nonchalant but I could tell deep down he was worried. I could tell just by how he asked for Rika's location instead of Joey's. Plus, as much as he's putting up this front, I know he still cares about her.

"How do you know Rika?" Yugi asked.

"She never told you?" Seto raised an eyebrow. How could Rika not tell Yugi how she knew us? I know she seems more secretive than ever, but still, how could she not tell anyone, even just Yugi? I mean is she ashamed of knowing us before we were the famous Kaiba brothers? No, Rika isn't like that. There has to be a reason.

"I don't know much about her past. She's still very weary around my friends and me. She doesn't say more than necessary, even to me." Yugi confessed.

"Well then it's not important to her so it's not important to me." Seto snapped.

I looked at Seto shocked. Yugi was beyond curious as to how Rika knew us. I could see worry in both his and Seto's eyes.

"Tell me Yugi, who exactly is this Marik. He leads the Rare Hunters, but what else do you know about him." Seto asked changing the subject very quickly.

"Well, I've never actually seen his face, but I know he possess a millennium item, much like my own puzzle."

"Those again. Spare me the magic talk." Seto rolled his eyes.

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