Seto vs Odion

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Hey guys! If nothing else comes out of this quarantine, I have managed to find some time to sit down and write this chapter and most of the next. I know I have been gone for a while and honestly, it was because I was having a hard time revising and essentially rewriting this whole duel from scratch and hit major writer's block. I hope it's worth the wait! 


Chapter 12:

"Thank for letting me face him. It was the best way to blow my secret and show them I mean business." I said leaning up and kissing Seto's cheek.

"It was entertaining to watch. I always enjoy seeing the Mutt get crushed. He has no place here; he's nothing but an amateur. I have yet to figure out how he managed to enter this tournament; his star rating was too low." He nearly grunted at the end. I know he was fuming about Wheeler making this far. 

"Well, it doesn't matter. He's finished." I responded proudly.

"Let's see who's next shall we?" He opened the door back to the main concourse for the next drawing and let me pass him.

We were the first to arrive back at the selection station and casually waited for the rest of the remaining competitors to return. I rolled my eyes as Yugi and company entered surprisingly in good spirits after Joey's loss. I also saw Marik and his lackey walk in not far behind them. I was fearful of who Seto would face. Surely, fate wouldn't be kind enough to pin them against each other. So, I was nervous as to which of the two villains he would duel.

"Gather round duelists and guests, as we now randomly select the third round of competitors." I watched as Roland started the machine. I held my breath as the balls fell.

"Next round competitors are duelist number 8, Marik Ishtar and number 1, Mr. Seto Kaiba." Roland announced. I let the breath out but felt no relief. I suppose facing the stand in Marik was better than the real one, but I was still wary of what tricks and traps this man could have planned for my boyfriend. Seto discretely squeezed my hand one last time before heading to the duelist elevator that would take him to the platform.

I road up with Mokie in the private elevator Seto and I took for the first duel. Mokie was already getting fidgety and we had yet to make it to the platform.

"Seto is going to kick this guy's butt!" He said excitedly as we stepped out into the fresh air.

"Yes he will Mokie; I know he can." I smiled down at him and ruffled his hair gently.

"Ri, stop. I finally got it the way I wanted it without you messing it up!" He said pushing my hand away.

"Okay, fine," I said laughing gently.

Once everyone arrived Seto nodded to Roland and he met the imposter at the midpoint of the field. They exchanged decks and shuffled as required before returning to their designated ends.

"Go Seto!" Mokie cheered. Seto simply nodded an acknowledgment but never looked our direction. He was quickly entering duel mode. 

"I never thought I would be cheering for Rich Boy but I want to see Marik get his butt kicked since I can't do it myself." Joey said looking up at the pair. I wasn't particularly listening to their banters but I was glad we were all on the same side at this moment. 

"Kaiba is going to have to think carefully and duel his hardest if he wants to win. We know from our time at the docks that Marik is well versed in his deck and knows it's few weaknesses." Yugi commented. It did scare me how familiar Marik, and most likely his lackey, were with Seto's cards. Granted, he has a few new ones he hasn't broken out but for the most part, he knew his main deck combinations and strategies.

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