Facing Marik (Pt. 3)

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Chapter 20:

I wanted to attack him because I was not going to lose any more life points to him from effects if I could help it. I looked down at my hand and smiled as I decided to play my Celestial Castiel. With that, I can summon another light monster from my deck giving me more protection. This will give me enough monsters to summon my Great Shining Fairy. I can sacrifice them and the Lava creature next turn. I just need to draw my fairy and this duel will be over.

"Golem attack Marik's life points directly!" I knew he had a trap waiting I just had to be prepared to face whatever effect it had. Sadly I had only three cards and none of them were helpful.

"Fell right into my trap Princess Rika. I activate Nightmare Mirror!" I narrowed my eyes. Not as bad as I had thought.

"Oh it does more than just negate your attack, it sends it right back at you and since you only have your little light monsters to defend yourself, well this is going to hurt." He destroyed my Melidous Diva and left my Castiel in place given it had no other effect.

"You lose 700 life points, while I remain without a scratch and the only price I pay is to discard a card in my hand." I felt a shiver fall down my back knowing it would be Ra going to the Graveyard. But he didn't look stunned; he looked smug.

"With each passing turn and loss of life points, you, my dear are getting closer to the shadows, they are hungry for your royal blood. Your light monsters and fairies can't protect you much longer from the darkness and power that surrounds us."

"Marik, enough! I now place this card! Hand destruction! This will send our hands to the graveyard and allow us to draw up to four additional new cards depending on how many we have! Oh wait, you don't have any!" It was the perfect time to play it, given it wouldn't benefit him.

"Searching for something specific Princess? You can't summon any other monsters this turn." I looked down at my new cards, my Shinning Fairy was there but couldn't be summoned yet but there was another I could thanks to its special abilities.

"Maybe not under normal circumstances but since you sent one of my fairies to the graveyard by the effect of your trap that makes a total of four fairies there. Thanks to you, I am able to special summon a very powerful monster now to defend myself. Come forth my Archlord Krystia (2800/2300)!" My shining soldier appeared and I smiled.

"But as you like to say that's not all. It also lets me bring one additional Fairy to my Hand from the graveyard but I'm not going to tell you which one." I smirked finally placing my other two cards face down before the effect of his Helpomer could take one. Luckily, when the time came, the smoky hand took my Athena I had just got back from the graveyard and left my Great Fairy where it was.

"You foolish girl! Did you really think you could take control of this duel by playing one of your precious fairies with an impressive effect? Oh no, your demise is ever closer." He taunted.

"Oh did I say I was done?" I chuckled. His eyes did widen briefly.

"For my final move of this turn, I activate a basic trap that packs a really good punch! Time Seal! This little devil makes you unable to draw this turn and since you don't have any cards in your hand you're stuck. So it's my move again!" He growled.

"Time for you to meet a good friend of mine. I know you've seen her before. So now, by sacrificing your Lava Golem and my Castiel then giving up 300 life points, I am able to bring forth my beautiful Bright Shining Fairy. You should also remember she gets an additional 200 points for every fairy in my graveyard! That's 800 additional points, bringing her attack points to 4000!" I heard Yugi and Co. cheering and clapping. I even heard Mokie's voice among them. It was my turn to smile as the light radiating off my fairies seemed to be truly pushing the darkness back. Add that I was no longer confined to that metal death trap it was finally starting to

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