Domino High

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Chapter 22:

Two months later

"Yes, mom, I love you too, and I will come to see you in a week or so to get my stuff." I said, smiling. I missed her and my dad dearly, but I was now rooted in Domino. Since I was officially turning eighteen in a couple of weeks, I chose to stay here mainly to be with Seto and Mokie. I easily made arrangements to continue staying with Grandpa and Yugi in the apartment, and he would act as a legal guardian if any questions were asked. My mom was initially upset when I told her I wanted to move here, but she has slowly accepted it. She now admits to looking forward to visiting and traveling more with my dad.

I looked over at Seto, who was typing away in his home office. Since Battle City, Seto has been very watchful over me. Enough so that I've even managed to convince him to work from his home office on the weekends. This way, I could hang out with him and Mokie at the mansion when I wasn't working at the game shop. 

Speaking of grandpa's shop, his sales have skyrocketed after Yugi and I's performance during the tournament. I'm glad something good came out of Yugi's victory. It also boosted my national ranking to number three, behind only Seto and Yugi. Many people came into the shop to meet us, and we often talked them into buying something big or small.

"I want to meet this Seto. I know you say it's not the reason you're staying, but for you to really want to move there, it has to be for a boy." My mom interrupted my thoughts and brought my attention back to her call.


"Sorry, sweetie, but it's just hard with you being 4 hours away. We miss you, and I'm still wrapping my head around you not coming home."

"We've talked about this, momma. I love you, and I miss you too. But, I need to go; I'll talk to you later!"

I looked up to see Seto now looking at me, effortlessly handsome as usual.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, I'm pleased you're staying, but I don't want you to do this for me. I have the resources that we could make it work even with the distance." He looked sincere.

"Yes, I'm sure. Yugi and Grandpa are here. You and Mokie are here. Besides, Domino High School is a very renowned school on the national exams. I will get an excellent education."

"I just don't want you to stay for the wrong reasons." Yugi and his friends would fall over dead if they saw this side of Seto right now.

"I'm positive, Seto. Domino has become my home even in this short amount of the time I've spent here. Plus, this way I can do this anytime I want." I went over and sat on his lap, playfully.

"Okay. I'm making sure this is exactly what you want." He leaned down to kiss me softly. I sighed happily and leaned back into him. He eventually reached around me and continued working. I sat there and watched his fingers move across the keys, and his eyes dart side to side. He wasn't bothered by my presence, and it didn't interfere with his job this way. I enjoy physical contact. I was content to sit here and be with this man. 

The next week, Mokuba and I drove to Tokyo in one of Seto's less expensive cars so I could pack up my stuff and make my apartment a bit homier to me.

"Mom, this is Mokuba. He is one of the boys I knew when I was at the orphanage." I introduced the younger Kaiba as she opened the door with a huge smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you, Mokuba. I have heard so much about you and your older brother. Seto correct?" I'm sure she was hoping to meet Seto, but sorry, mom, he doesn't leave Domino for anything these days.

"Yepp, Seto's the best big brother ever!"

"Indeed; I've heard all he has done for you and Rika. Oh, and that tournament! Rika has gone on about the intricate details! You have a very talented brother."

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