Three Dragons

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Chapter 28:

"Seto, Ri, how did Alister just disappear like that?" Mokie asked as we entered the castle courtyard and headed back towards the jet.

"I don't know Mokuba, and frankly, I don't care." Seto said flatly. He was beyond aggravated at the whole situation.

"Aren't you worried, he'll come back for revenge? You heard him, he has the power to steal souls." I could hear the shake in Mokie's voice.

"Come on Mokuba, you can't believe that nonsense. Alister was a real looney with access to Pegasus' holographic technology and light systems. He didn't have any magic powers." I wanted to believe Seto's words. It made sense. Industrial Illusions was the leading holographic producer before Seto stepped in.

"But Seto, that Orichalcos thing seems pretty real to me!" Mokie continued.

"Drop it Mokuba." Seto commanded and the small boy nodded but looked at me. I gave him a weak smile before ruffling his hair.

"Seto, how did you get that Dragon card?" I asked as I noticed Seto was holding that Fang of Critius card. Looking at the details of the card, it had no attack or defense points but was blue like a ritual card.

"I don't know but I know one person who might."

"More flying?" Seto looked over at me and chuckled slightly.

"Yes, Rika, more flying."

We got in the jet much like before and took off. The second time wasn't so bad, Seto remained tense but was still comforting to me given my fear of being in the air.

"Mokuba, set course for Industrial Illusions Head Quarters. The only person who can answer our questions is the real Pegasus."

I leaned back into Seto after he put the autopilot on; it was going to be a long trip. He looked stressed and this wasn't a good situation to begin with. However, there was nothing really we could do until we spoke with good ole Max himself.

About an hour before we landed, I woke to a light coming from my left. I let my eyes adjust and noticed it was Seto's deck. He reached around me and held up his new dragon, it was glowing bright white. Seto jerked and then his eyes went blank.

"Seto?" I turned in his lap but he didn't break out of the trance. Luckily the jet was on autopilot but I was suddenly petrified. After a couple of moments, his eyes refocused and he was back.

"Are you okay?" I asked very concerned.

"Did you notice anything strange?"

"Besides the fact that your new card was glowing and you zoned out again?" I asked sarcastically.

"I don't know what that was about, but these light shows gotta stop. He pulled the dragon card from his deck and put it inside his trench coat pocket.

We landed a few hours later and I was very thankful to be back on land once more.

"See flying isn't horrible." He whispered in my ear before we got out.

"Nothing is horrible when I'm next to you, even if you're acting strange." I said placing my hand over his. I leaned into his touch enjoying this moment of peace before we had to jump back into chaos once more.

"Alright, let's go." Seto said breaking our reprieve. I got out first, followed by Seto and Mokuba. We walked towards the main entrance and were shocked to see the place was deserted. Then I felt a surge in the air.

"Did you feel that?"

"Feel what?"

"The air went cold for a moment, like a shiver."

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